Cannon, James P.

Fuller Form of Name
James Patrick Cannon
Name Variants
Jim Cannon; John Battle; C; James Patrick Cannon; Cook; Dawson; Dzh. P. Kannon; Legrand; Martel; Martin; Jim McGee; Walter;
Creator Type

Book(s) by Cannon, James P.

Displaying 1 - 70 of 70
Title Date of Publication
America's Road to Socialism 1975
American Stalinism and Anti-Stalinism 1947
Aspects of Socialist Election Policy Mar. 1971
Background to 'The Struggle for a Proletarian Party' March 1979
[Cannon, James P.] Building the Revolutionary Party. An Introduction to James P. Cannon 1997
[Cannon, James P.] James P. Cannon. The Internationalist July 1980
[Cannon, James P.] Le parti révolutionnaire. ... 1985
Cannon- Writings and Speeches 1932 - 34, The Communist League of America 1985
Cannon- Writings and Speeches 1945 - 47, The Struggle for Socialism in the 'American Century 1977
Cannon- Writings and Speeches 1940 - 43, The Socialist Workers Party in World War II 1975
Cannon- Writings and Speeches 1928 - 31, The Left Opposition in the U.S 1981
Defending the Revolutionary Party and Its Perspectives 1969
Defense Policy in the Minneapolis Trial June 1942
Defense Policy in the Minneapolis Trial 1942
Der Kampf fër eine proletarische Partei 1982-12
Discusiones con Trotsky sobre el programa de transición (1938) (1938)
Discussions entre Léon Trotsky et les dirigeants du Socialist Workers Party 1970 (1939-40)
Documents of the Fourth International.  The Formative Years  (1933 - 40) 1973
Don't Strangle the Party. Three Letters and a Talk 1986
Exécutif élargi de l'Internationale Communiste.  Compte rendu analytique de la session du 21 mars au 6 avril 1925 1925
Fifty Years of World Revolution (1917 - 1967). An International Symposium 1969 (1968)
James P. Cannon and the Early Years of American Communism.  ... 1992
Kampen för ett arbetarparti 1979-10
Leon Trotsky. Memorial Address 'To the Memory of the Old Man' 1940-08-28
Letters from Prison 1968
La lutte pour un parti prolétarien 1975
Marx, Engels et Trotsky sur le parti ouvrier 1976
Notebook of an Agitator 1973
Övergångsprogrammet 1977-06
Le parti révolutionnaire 1977, 3e éd.
Le Parti révolutionnaire 1990 (1967)
Protokoll des VI. Weltkongresses der Kommunistischen Internationale, Band 1 ... 1928
Protokoll des VI. Weltkongresses der Kommunistischen Internationale, Band 2 ... 1928
Revolutionary Cuba Today. The Record of a Discussion 1980
Revolutionary Principles and Working-Class Democracy 1992-09
Revolutionary Strategy in the Fight Against the Vietnam War April 1975
Socialism and Democracy Jan. 1994
Socialism on Trial.  ... 1973
Socialism on Trial.  ... 1944 (1942)
Speeches for Socialism 1971
Speeches to the Party. The Revolutionary Perspective and the Revolutionary Party 1973
The 20th Congress (CPSU) and World Trotskysm. A Documented Analysis 1957
The Communist Manifesto Today 1948-01 (1937-10-30)
The End of the Comintern / Manifesto of the Fourth International on the Dissolution of the Comintern 1943-09
The Fight Against Fascism in the USA. Forty Years of Struggle Described by Participants c. 1975
The First Ten Years of American Communism. Report of a Participant 1973
The First Ten Years of American Communism. Report of a Participant 1962
The Founding of the Socialist Workers Party. Minutes and Resolutions 1938-39 1982
The History of American Trotskyism. Report of a Participant 1944
The History of American Trotskyism.   ... 1972
The I.W.W. 1967
The Labor Party in America after 1962
On the Labor Party in the United States 1969
The Revolutionary Party. Its Role in the Struggle for Socialism 1975
The Revolutionary Perspective for the United States May 1975
The Russian Revolution 1944
The Struggle for a Proletarian Party 1972
The Struggle for a Proletarian Party 1943
The Third International after Lenin 1936
Towards a History of the Fourth International, Bound Volume II 1977 - 1978
Towards a History of the Fourth International, Bound Volume I 1973 - 1975
[Trotsky, Lev Davidovich] Leon Trotsky. The Man and His Work. Reminiscences and Appraisals 1969-11-07
US Trotskyism 1928 - 1965. Part III, Vol 4.   ... 2019
US Trotskyism 1928 - 1965. Part II, Vol 3.   ... 2019
Vol. 1:  The fight against Pabloism in the Fourth International 1974
Vol. 2: The split in the Fourth International 1974
Vol. 3: The Socialist Workers Party's road back to Pabloism 1974
Vol. 4:  The International Committee against liquidationism 1974
What Policy for Revolutionists - Marxism or Ultra-Leftism? 1969 (1942)
Why We Are In Prison.   ... 1944