Towards a History of the Fourth International, Bound Volume II

Pathfinder Press
Place of Publication
New York
Date of Publication
1977 - 1978
Number of Pages
Education for Socialists
III World capitalism, capitalist society and the left movements; socialist movements in general | J Workers´ movement, left movement, socialist movement | B Fourth International
This is a bound set of four Education for Socialists publications that were issued by the SWP in New York between May 1977 and November 1978 under the title:
Issue May 1977 --- The Struggle to Reunify the Fourth International (1954 - 1963)
Volume I: The First Parity Commission and Peng Shu-tse's "Pabloism Reviewed"
Wohlforth:  Introduction
Section I: The Parity Commission and Peng Shu-tse's "Pabloism Reviewed"
Feldman:  Introductory Note
-1- Dobbs:  Letter to Gerry Healy "The Problem is not one of reunification" (December 8, 1954)
-2- Healy:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs "We cannot go lordly on our way"  (December 16, 1954)
-3- Healy:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs "We shall handle the parity commission question as you suggest"  (January 11, 1954 - excerpt)
-4- Dobbs:  Letter to Gerard Bloch (secretary of the IC) "The IC, however, has been cought on a hook of a meneuver to establish 'responsability for the split"
-5- International Secretariat:  Letter to all Members and all Organisations of the International Committee (July 1955)
-6- Peng:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "Therefore they demand immediate reunification"  (september 8, 1955)
-7- Dobbs:  Letter to Peng Shu-tse  "Our task is first to consolidate the forces around the IC on clerly defined political positions"  (September 29, 1955)
-8- Peng:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "A common discussion for reunification with all the Trotskyists remaining with the IS"  (October 15, 1955)
-9- Resolutions adopted at the International Committee meeting in Paris on November 7-8, 1955
-10- Peng:  Letter to Gerry Healy  "Your section formally proposed to withdraw from the Parity Commission"
-11- Dobbs: Letter to Peng Shu-tse  "It would be dangerous to maneuver with the question of unity"  (January 30, 1956)
-12- Peng:  "Pabloism reviewed:  From Pablo to Cochran, Clarke and Mestre"  (January 1, 1956)
Issue February 1978 --- The Struggle to Reunify the Fourth International (1954 - 1963)
Volume II: "De-Stalinization", the Hungarian Revolution and World Trotskyism (Documents, 1955 - 1957)
Wohlforth:  Introduction
Section II: International Committee Documents
Feldman:  Introductiory note
-1- The World Today:  Draft Section of the International Resolution (February 2, 1956)
SWP Political Committee Motion (May 31, 1956)
-2- The Rise of the Colonial Bourgeoisie (June 29, 1955 - approved by May 1957 SWP convention)
-3- The Soviet Union Today (August 12, 1956 - approvede by May 1957 SWP convention)
-4- The New Stage of the Russian Revolution ( adopted by April 1956 Plenum of the SWP National Committee)
-5- The Hungarian Revolution and the Crisis os Stalinism (adopted by January 1957 Plenum of SWP Natioanl Committee)
-6- Dobbs: Trends in the World Revolution (report to May 1957 convention of SWP
-7- Suez and its Aftermath  (May 3, 1957 - adopted by the British Section of the International Committee)
Section III: A Convergence of Views on the Khrushchev Revelations and the Hungarian Revolt
-1- Quatrième Internationale:  The Twentieth Congress of the CP of the Soviet Union (March 1956)
-2- Germain:  The Twentieth Congress of the CP of the USSR: Beginning of the Final Stage of the Crisis of Stalinism
-3- Quatrième Internationale: Long live the Independent and Democratic Republic of Hungarian Workers' Councils!  An Appeal of the Fourth International to the workers, poor peasants, and intellectuals of Hungary  (December 1956)
-4- Quatrième Internationale: Revolution and Counterrevolution in Hungary  (March 1957)
Issue February 1978 --- The Struggle to Reunify the Fourth International (1954 - 1963)
Volume III: How Healy and Pablo Blocked Reunification  (Documents, 1956 - 58)  Plus Documents on Algeria and Ceylon
Wohlforth:  Introduction
Section IV: Growing Interest in Reunification
-1- Peng:  Letter to Lee  "We are negligent of the centralized cooperative leadership" (February 1956)
-2- Germain:  Letter to George Breitman  "They actually come very near to the documents of the Fourth WC" (May 3, 1956)
-3- Breitman:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "Pabloism minus Cochran and Co. has proved somewhat different than it was" (May 9, 1956)
-4- Cannon:  Letter to George Breitman  "I am more interested in what the Pabloites do than in what they say"  (May 24, 1956)
-5- Cannon:  Letter to George Breitman  "A tendency in the direction of a similar political orientation"  (excerpt - May 25, 1956)
-6- Healy:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "Messali is a splendid supporter of our movement"  (June 1, 1956)
-7- Healy:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "No grounds fro believing Pabloism is compatible with orthodox Trotskyism"  (September 28, 1956)
-8- Germain and Healy:  Summary of a conversation (October 18, 1956)
-9- Call by the Eighth Plenum of the International Executive Committee "To the leaderships and Members of the International Committee" (November 1956)
Section V: The First Round of Reunification Discussions
-1- Goonewardene:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "A Direct Appeal to the SWP to agree to arrange a united world congress"  (January 2, 1957)
-2- Cannon:  Letter to the SWP Poli5tical Committee  "Advantages of a unification at this time would far outweigh the difficulties"  (March 12, 1957)
-3- Cannon:  Letter to Leslie Goonewardene  "A Sweeping Organizational Compromise"  (March 12, 1957)
-4- Lewitt:  Remarks to the SWP Political Committee  "The Situation in the World Movement:
-5- Cannon:  Proposal to Sherry Mangen  "Conditions and Guarantees for Reunification"  (April 17, 1957)
-6- Mangan:  Proposals to James P. Cannon  "Preliminary Proposals for a Basis for Reunification"  (April 28, 1957)
-7- Cannon:  Letter to Sherry Mangan  "The first question is whether this letter to Goonewardene is acceptable as a basis for discussion"  (April 29, 1957)
-8- Cannon:  Letter to Tom Kerry  "A Possible unification with the Pabloites is a calculated risk"  (April 30, 1957)
Section VI: Pablo rejects the Proposed Basis of Reunification
-1- Mangan:  Letter to Michel Pablo and Pierre Frank  "I did see Bert"  (May 7, 1957)
-2- Pablo:  Letter to Sherry Mangan  "I am afraid the ideological rotteness may have gone worse since then (excerpt - April 19, 1957)
-3- Pablo: Letter to Sherry Mangan  "Centuries of transition"  (April 29, 1957)
-4- International Secretariat:  Letter to the SWP leadership  "Representation of the IC tendency ... cannot constitute a de facto overturn of the majority"  (May 7, 1957)
-5- Pablo: Letter to Sherry Mangan  "Their ideas about the International are flatly liquidationist and centrist"  (May 10, 1957)
-6- Dobbs: Letter to Gerry Healy  "Their Reply to the JPC memo was unsatisfactory"  (May 20, 1957)
Section VII: Healy Voices Support for the Reunification Effort
-1- Healy:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "Pablo's movement has not the same significance that it did"  (January 15, 1957)
-2- Cannon:  Letter to Gerry Healy  "If the Pabloites accept the proposal, your organisation will be amply protected"  (March 12, 1957)
-3- Healy:  Letter to Tom Kerry  "We are in agreement on the need for testing out this unity mongering"  (April 11, 1957)
-4- Healy:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "It is worth doing everything possible to get one world organisation" (April 24, 1957)
-5- Healy:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "The change in Pablo's line does not imply a change in his political methods"  (May 10, 1957)
-6- Healy:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs:  "The best we can hope is some kind of jointt working relationship"  (excerpt - May 23, 1957)
-7- Peng: Letter to the International Committee  "Our objective is not Pablo, but the majority of comrades"  (June 1, 1957)
-8- "The situation in the World Trotskyist Movement",  resolution of the British section  (Jun3e 1957)
-9- Dobbs:  Letter to Gerry Healy  "We are fully aware of the remaining political differences  (June 27, 1957)
-10- Healy:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "We will be ready to seize any opportunity that may arise to press the JPC proposals along"  (July 2, 1957)
Section VIII: Healy Tries to Torpedo Reunification
-1- Healy:  Letter to the Revolutionary Socialist League  (June 13, 1957)
-2- Introduction:  The Fight Against Pabloite Revisionism
-3- Hunter:  Under a Stolen Flag (May 2, 1957)
-4- Germain:  An Unprincipled Maneuver Against Trotskyist Unity  (June 20, 1957)
Section IX: Discussions at an Impasse
-1- Mangan:  Letter to George Novack  "A most disturbing development  (excerpt - June 21, 1957)
-2- International Secretariat:  Letter to the International Committee  " article ... would close the door to ... reunification"  (June 9, 1957)
-3- Cannon:  Letter to Tom Kerry  "The factional ultimatum of the British"  (July 3, 1957)
-4- Healy:  Letter to the International Secretariat  "The unification must be tackled in stages  (July 6, 1957)
-5- Healy:  Letter to the International Secretariat  "We fail to understand how this approach impedes a unification" (July 8, 1957)
-6- Healy:  Letter to the International Secretariat  (July 10, 1957)
-7- Healy:  Letter to James P. Cannon:  "Rest assured, we will walk in step with you"  (July 12, 1957)
-8- Healy:  Letter to Sal Santen:  "The only possible basis for getting agreement immediately"  (July 12, 1957)
-9- Santen:  Letter to Gerry Healy:  "As for the question of parity leadership, it is not a serious proposal"  (July 20, 1957)
-10- International Secretariat to the British Section  "Compare this with the line of the International"  (July 18, 1957)
-11- International Secretariat:  Letter to the International Committee  (July 18, 1957)
-12- Cannon:  Letter to Gerry Healy  " made an exaggerated criticism of the Germain document ... and in other respects even misrepresented it"  (July 25, 1957)
-13- "The Present State of the International Unity Discussion" resolution of the SWP Political Committee adopted by the International Committee  (July 27, 1957)
-14- International Secretariat:  Letter to the International Committee  (August 25, 1957)
-15- Healy:  Letter to the International Secretariat  (September 9, 1957)
-16- Healy:  Letter to Tom Kerry  (September 9, 1957)
-17- Resolution on Relations with the International Committee, adopted by the "Fifth World Congress" of the IS  (October 1957)
-18- Mangan:  Letter to the SWP National Committee  (November 19, 1957
Section X: Healy is Paralysing the IC and Blocking Reunification
Peng:  Letter to James P. Cannon  (April 20, 1958)
Section XI: Criticisms of the Ceylonese Trotskyists
-1- The Militant:  Editorial "Chou and the Chinese revolution"  (March 11, 1957)
-2- Peng:  An Open Letter to Leslie Goonewardene  (December 12, 1957)
Section XII: The Algerian Revolution
Mangan:  Open Letter to The Militant  "The Truth About the Algerian Revolution"  (February 3, 1958)
Section XIII: Tim Wohlforth's Initial Views on Reunification
-1- Wohlforth: Letter to Pierre Frank  (April 7, 1958)
-2- Wohlforth: Letter to Sherry Mangan  (May 21, 1958)
-3- Wohlforth: Letter to the editors of Labour Review  (May 21, 1958)
-4- Wohlforth: Letter to Sherry Mangan  (July 18, 1958)
Issue November 1978 --- The Struggle to Reunify the Fourth International (1954 - 1963)
Volume IV: "Deep Entryism" and Pablo's Anti-Unity Offensive  (Documents, 1958 - 60)  Plus Documents from India and Japan
Wohlforth:  Introduction
Section XIV: The SWP Presses for a New Unity Effort
Feldman: Introductory note
-1- "Political Statement Adopted by the International Conference" of the International Committee held in Leeds, England, in June 1958
-2- "Functions of the International Committee", resolution adopted by the Leeds conference
-3- "Reorganization of the Fourth International", statement adopted by the Leeds conference
-4- Kerry:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "The continuation of the split cannot be justified programmatically"  (excerpt - August 18, 1958)
-5- Healy:  Letter to Tom Kerry  "To begin with a discussion of 1953 now would be to commit a sectarian mistake"  (September 10, 1958)
-6- Venturi for the Italian section of the International Secretariat:  Letter to the SWP National Committee  "Let us forget about actual or apparent force relationships between our organizations"  (October 22, 1958)
-7- Dobbs:  Letter to Gerry Healy  Report on the National Committee Plenum  (December 2, 1958)
-8- Healy:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "Reports on the Paris Meeting"  (February 6, 1959)
-9- Cannon:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "There is too much opposition in both camps"  (February 15, 1959)
-10- Dobbs:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "The policy seems to assume a split in the Pabloite organizations can be triggered"  (February 27, 1959)
-11- Healy:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "My own section fully supports the Toronto decisions. If the comrades think that we should proceed without the others then I am prepared to ... recommend such a procedure"  (March 2, 1958 )
-12- Healy:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "Of course there are no differences between us"  (March 11, 1959)
-13- Dobbs:  Letter to Gerry Healy  "We have no choice but to continue the discussions with the IC, striving patiently to achieve a common policy"  (March 11, 1959)
-14- Dobbs:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "There has been a great change in his standpoint"  (March 13, 1959)
Section XV: Pablo's Anti-unity Offensive
-1- Dobbs:  Letter to James P. Cannon  The International Secretariat on the Marcy Split
-2- 4th International:  "Split and Continued Crisis in the Socialist Workers Party  (Spring 1959)
-3- International Secretariat:  Letter to the SWP National Committee  (May 5, 1959)
-4- International Secretariat:  Open Letter to the Organizations of the International Committee  (April 1959)
-5- Cannon:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "A savage and unscrupulous war against the British Trotskyist organization"  (May 11, 1959)
-6- SWP Political Committee:  Exverpts from the minutes of the meeting  (May 18, 1959)
-7- Healy:  Letter to the Italian section of the International Secretariat  "All the talk about 'unity' is a manoeuvre and a smokescreen"
-8- Cannon:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "I am ready to call a halt"  (May 26, 1959)
-9- Healy:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "Some examples of loose thinking reminiscent of Pabloite generalities"  (August 21, 1959)
-10- Labour Review editorial:  "In Defence of Trotskyism"  (July-August 1959)
-11- International Secretariat of the Fourth International:  Open Letter to the Membership and Leadership of the Socialist Labour League  "A Recall to Order"  (Autumn 1959)
Section XVI: Defending the Socialist Labour League
-1- Cannon:  Letter to Joseph Hansen  "This is revolutionary 'entrism' as Trotsky Taught it"  (May 19, 1959)
-2- Cannon:  Letter to Gerry Healy  "Do not yield to the impatience of some comrades who may want to give up the Labour Party  (June 12, 1959)
-3- Hansen:  "What the Fight in the British Labour Party is About"  (June 29, 1959)
-4- Cannon:  Letter to Farrell Dobbs  "We must make sure that we do not facilitate this Pabloite game by abandoning our own policy of unification"  (July 24, 1959)
-5- Pablo:  Letter to the editors of The Militant  (February 1, 1960)
-6- Hansen:  Reply  (February 1, 1960)
-7- Healy:  Letter to Tom Kerry  "You have succeeded in hooking him so completely on the witch-hunt question" (March 31, 1960)
-8- Pablo:  Letter to Josep0h Hansen  "I don't want to polemicize"  (February 29, 1960)
-9- Hansen:  Letter to Michel Pablo  "At Issue is your failure to support the British Trotskyist organization against the witch-hunt"  (March 25, 1960)
-10- The Militant:  Editorial  "The Witch-Hunt in Britain"  (April 4, 1960)
-11- Cannon:  Letter to Gerry Healy  "The Left Wing should not play < Gaitskell's>  game by walking out"  (July 13, 1960)
Section XVII: An Indian Trotskyist Assesses the Differences
-1- Arya:  Letter to Ernest Germain  "Organizational factors left no choice  (excerpt - January 2, 1960)
-2- Arya:  A Political Estimate of the split in the FI  (January 25, 1960)
-3- Arya:  Democratic Centralism on  the international scale  (February 1, 1960)
-4- Arya:  The struggle for the leadership of the proletariat  (March 3, 1960)
Section XVIII: Reunification in Japan
-1- Nishi:  Letter to Tom Kerry  "Bring into the IS congress the theory and plicies of the IC"  (December 19, 1960 received)
-2- JRCL and JCFI:  Statement on the unification  (December 19, 1960 received in New York)
-3- Dobbs:  Letter to Kyoji Nishi  "We suggest that they consult comrades Burns and Peng"  (December 27, 1960)
Section XIX: The Movement for Unity Builds Up
-1- The Militant:  Editorial  "Merger of Socilists in India  (February 29, 1960)
-2- Kolpe:  Letter to Joseph Hansen  "Our sypmpathies are still with the SLL"  (excerpt - April 21, 1960)
-3- Kolpe:  Letter to Joseph Hansen  "A blot on the record of the Trotskyist movement"  (excerpt - June 2, 1960)
-4- Germain:  Letter to Trent Hutter  "About the unity of the family"  (excerpt - October 24, 1960)
-5- The Militant:  Editorial  "LSSP Policy in Ceylon"  (October 5, 1960)
-6- "On Ceylon",  declaration of the "Sixth World Congress" of the International Secretariat  (winter 1960-61)
-7- The Militant:  Editorial  "Trial of Trotskyists in Holland  (October 26, 1960)
-8- Frank for the International Secretariat: Letter to the SWP  "Sincere, comradely thanks" (December 6, 1960)
-9- Frank for the International Secretariat: Letter to the SWP  "The IS warmly salutes the electoral campaign of the SWP" (December 12, 1960)
-10- Dobbs: Letter to Gerry Healy  "Contradictions arising dfrom the class-struggle lag"  (excerpt - December 12, 1960)
-11- Healy:  Letter to farrell Dobbs  "This is all part of the new unity offensive"  (December 2, 1960)
-12- Dobbs:  Letter to James P. Cannon  "An informal consultation among IC supporters"  (December 29, 1960)
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