Hansen, Joseph

Fuller Form of Name
Joseph Leroy Hansen
Name Variants
J. Allen; Jack Bustelo; Joe Hansen; Joseph Leroy Hansen; Herrick; Henderson; Joe; Joseph; Leroy; Pepe; Stern;
Creator Type
Biographical/Historical Note
Other variant names:
Джозеф Хансен; Хансен Джозеф; Hansen; Joseph Leroy Hansen; Joe Hansen; Jack Bustelo; J. Allen; Хансен, Джозеф; جوزف هانسن; جوزيف هانسن *

Book(s) by Hansen, Joseph

Displaying 1 - 63 of 63
Title Date of Publication
L' assassinat de Léon Trotsky 1946
Behind China's 'Great Cultural Revolution' 1967
[Cannon, James P.] James P. Cannon As We Knew Him 1976
[Cannon, James P.] James P. Cannon. The Internationalist July 1980
Che Guevara Speaks. Selected Speeches and Writings 1967
Class, Party, and State and the Eastern European Revolution 1969
Cosmetics, Fashions, and the Exploitation of Women 1986
Debate sobre Cuba. Las distintas posiciones de la Cuarta Internacional 1981
Debate sobre Portugal 1976
Disaster in Chile. Allende's Strategy and why it failed 1974
Discussion on China (1968 - 1971) c. 1971
Discussion on China (1968 - 1972) Jan. 1973
Discussion on Latin America (1968-1971) 1971
Discussion on Latin America (1968-1972) 1973
Discussions entre Léon Trotsky et les dirigeants du Socialist Workers Party 1970 (1939-40)
Documents and Articles on the 1976 Mexican Elections July 1976
Dynamics of the Cuban Revolution. The Trotskyist View 1978
Fifty Years of World Revolution (1917 - 1967). An International Symposium 1969 (1968)
For a Workers' and Farmers' Government in the United States July 1985
From Mississippi to Boston: The Demand for Troops to Enforce Civil Rights Jan. 1975
Gobierno obrero y campesino 1974
Healy "Reconstructs" the Fourth International  ... 1966-06
Introducción al programa de transición 1978-06
Introducción al programa de transición 1978
Leo Trotzki 1879 - 1940 In den Augen von Zeitgenossen 1979
Marxism vs. Ultraleftism: The Record of Healy's Break with Trotskyism Jan. 1974
Murder in Memphis. Martin Luther King and the Future of the Black Liberation Struggle 1968
Nixon's Moscow and Peking Summits. Their Meaning for Vietnam 1972
Notebook of an Agitator 1973
Organizational Principles and Practices 1987
Portugal. L'alternative 1975
Pour la defense de la strategie leniniste de construction du parti 1971
La révolution cubaine. Pays dépendents. Matériel de lecture 1985-86
Revolutionary Cuba Today. The Record of a Discussion 1980
A Revolutionary Strategy for the 70s. Documents of the Socialist Workers Party March 1972
[Sedova, Natalia] Hommage à Natalia Sedova-Trotsky 1882-1962 1962
Socialism on Trial.  ... 1944 (1942)
Socialist Fight Jan. 1960
[Stálin, Joseph Vissarionovich] Stalin's Frame-Up System and The Moscow Trials 1950
The Abern Clique Sept. 1972
The Anatomy of Stalinism 1972-06
The Catastrophe in Indonesia. Three articles on the Fatal Consequences of Communist Party Politics 1966-12
The Fight Against Fascism in the USA. Forty Years of Struggle Described by Participants c. 1975
The History of American Trotskyism. Report of a Participant 1944
The Invasion of Czechoslovakia 1969
The Leninist Strategy of Party Building. The Debate on Guerrilla Warfare in Latin America 1979
The Mao Myth and the Legacy of Stalinism in China 1977
The Nature of the Cuban Revolution. Record of a Controversy: 1960-1963 1968
The 'Population Explosion.' How Socialists View It 1970
The Transitional Program for Socialist Revolution 1983 (1973)
The Workers and Farmers Government April 1974
Too Many Babies? The Myth of the Population Explosion 1987
Towards a History of the Fourth International, Bound Volume I 1973 - 1975
Towards a History of the Fourth International, Bound Volume II 1977 - 1978
El Trotskismo en América latina 1978
[Trotsky, Leon] My Life. An attempt at an autobiography 1970
[Trotsky, Lev Davidovich] Leon Trotsky. The Man and His Work. Reminiscences and Appraisals 1969-11-07
US Trotskyism 1928 - 1965. Part III, Vol 4.   ... 2019
US Trotskyism 1928 - 1965. Part II, Vol 3.   ... 2019
Vol. 3: The Socialist Workers Party's road back to Pabloism 1974
Vol. 4:  The International Committee against liquidationism 1974
Why We Are In Prison.   ... 1944
Workers and Farmers Governments Since the Second World War Jan. 1978