Vol. 4:  The International Committee against liquidationism

Primary author
New Park Publications / SLL
Place of Publication
Date of Publication
Number of Pages
III World capitalism, capitalist society and the left movements; socialist movements in general | J Workers´ movement, left movement, socialist movement | B Fourth International
Parent Collections
1 The principled standpoint on unification
Parity Committee: Minutes of the first meeting (September 2, 1962)
Plenum of the IEC (Pabloite): Declaration on reunification of the world trotskyist movement (June 23-24, 1962)
SLL: Comment on the declaration (September 8, 1962)
2 The SWP, Castro and Trotskyism
Hansen: Cuba - The acid test: A reply to the ultra left sectarians (November 20, 1962)
Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs (October 31, 1962)
3 Opportunism and empiricism
SLL: Opportunism and Empiricism (March 23, 1963)
Broué: Letter to the leadership of the SWP (February 14, 1963)
4 Reunification and rthe final rejection of discussion
Letters from Capa, Healy, Hansen, Dobbs
SWP: Call for the reorganization of the minority tendency
FI: Statement of the United Secretariat (November 18, 1963)
SLL: Resolution of the SLL Conference: From Revisionism to Opportunism (February-March 1964)
5 Balance sheet and perspectives after the reunification
Slaughter: The Future of the Fourth International. Report on the International Conference of Trotskyists (September 1963)
6 Ceylon and the fruits of reunification
Healy: Ceylon, the great betrayal (July 4 and 11, 1964
SLL: Statement of the Political Committee (July 20, 1964)
FI; Statemnet by the International Committee (July 5, 1964)
LSSP: Resolution of the Revolutionary Minority (June 6-7, 1964)
LSSP: Resolution of the "Centre" group (June 6-7, 1964)
LSSP: Resolution of the Renegade Majority (June 6-7, 1964)
IEC (Pabloites): Letter to members of the LSSP
7 The Fourth International after the Ceylon betrayal
Healy: Problems of the Fourth International (August 1966)
Appendix: Once again, discussion is rejected
International Committee: Statement on talks with the United Secretariat (July 7, 1970)
Healy: Further comments on the need for joint discussion (September 8, 1970)
Wohlforth, Barnes, International Committee: Letters (1973)
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