Primary author
Pathfinder Press
Place of Publication
Date of Publication
1973 - 1975
Number of Pages
Education for Socialists
III World capitalism, capitalist society and the left movements; socialist movements in general | J Workers´ movement, left movement, socialist movement | B Fourth International
Parent Collections
This is a bound set of twelve Education for Socialists publications that were issued by the SWP in New York between June 1973 and August 1977 under the title:
Issue June 1973 --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part I:
Three Contributions on Postwar Developments
- Conner: From World War II to the Cold War (1973)
- Evans: The Fourth International from Split to Reunification (1973)
- Kerry: Problems of Methodology in the 1953 - 1954 Split in the Fourth International (1972)
Issue November 1973 --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part II:
- Van Heijenoort: How the Fourth International Was Conceived (1944)
- Wright: Trotsky's Struggle for the Fourth International (1946)
- Pablo: The Fourth International (A History of Its Ideas and Its Struggles)
Issue March 1974 (1/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part III:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Committee Documents 1951 - 1954
- Feldman: Introduction
Section I: Before the Third World Congress
- SWP: Contribution to the Discussion on International Perspectives (1951)
- Clarke: Some Comments on the "Contribution to the Discussion"
- Bleibtreu and Favre: Where is Comrade Pablo Going?
Section II: The Split in the French Section
- Renard: Letter to James P. Cannon
- Cannon: Letter to Daniel Renard
- The Struggle of the French Trotskyists Against Pabloite Liquidationism
Section III: The SWP Majority Position on Stalinism in the Cochran Fight
- Hansen: What the New York Discussion Has Revealed
Section IV: Pablo's Role in the Cochran Fight
-1- Dobbs, Stein and Hansen: Letter to George Novack
-2- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-3- Stein: Letter to Michel Pablo
-4- Gordon: Letter to James P. Cannon
-5- Cannon: Letter to Michel Pablo
-6- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-7- Healy: Letter to James P. Cannon
-8- Cannon: Letter to Sam Gordon
-9- Gordon: Letter to James P. Cannon
-10- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-11- Gordon: Letter to James P. Cannon
-12- Healy: Letter to James P. Cannon
-13- Healy: Letter to James P. Cannon
Issue March 1974 (2/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part III:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Committee Documents 1951 - 1954
Feldman: Introduction
Section IV: Pablo's Role in the Cochran Fight (Contibued)
-14- Novack: Letter to Gerry Healy
-15- Novack: Report given to the Majority Caucus of the New York Local (August 3, 1953)
-16- Novack: Letter to the Majority of the SWP National Committee
Section V: The deepening differences on Stalinism
- Stein: Some Remarks on "The Rise and Fall of Stalinism"
- Novack: Clarke's View on Stalinism
- Memorandum on "The Rise and Decline of Stalinism"
Section VI: Four Supporters of Cochran-Clarke-Bartell "Graduate" from the SWP
- Roberts: Statement to Seattle Branch, July 23, 1953
- Flint: Report from Seattle to the majority Caucus
Section VII: Pablo Attacks the British Section
-1- Gordon: Letter to Friends in the SWP
-2- Gordon: Letter to Friends in the SWP
-3- Healy: Letter to James P. Cannon
-4- Cannon: Letter to George Novack
-5- Cannon: Letter to George Novack
-6- Cannon: Letter to Gerry Healy
-7- Healy: Letter to James P. Cannon
-8- Gordon: Letter to Friends in the SWP
-9- Report from England for the National Committee Majority (September 1953)
-10- Healy: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-11- Healy: Statement on the Document "The Rise and Fall of Stalinism"
Section VIII
Hansen: Is World War III Inevitable?
Section IX: Preparing an International Struggle
-1- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-2- Agreements Arrived at at London Meeting, October 3 - 4, 1953
-3- Breitman: Letter to James P. Cannon
-4- Dobbs: Letter to Gerry Healy
-5- Dobbs: Letter to Gerry Healy
-6- Resolution of the 25th Anniversary Plenum of the SWP
-7- Dobbs: Letter to Gerry Healy
Issue March 1974 (3/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part III:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Committee Documents 1951 - 1954
Feldman: Introduction
Section X: Declaring an International Public Faction
-1- A Letter to Trotskyists Throughout the World
-2- Against Pabloist Revisionism
-3- Resolution Forming the International Committee
-4- The Successive Stages of Pabloist Revisionism
-5- Militant editorial: Fourth International rallies Against Pablo (December 21, 1953)
-6- Dobbs: Letter to Cothinkers in England and France
Section XI:
Cannon: The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Plenum of the SWP
Section XII:
Peng: Letter to James P. Cannon: The Chinese Experience with Pabloite Revisionism
Section XIII: Pablo Declares a Split
-1- Report on a Meeting of the French Pabloite Group
-2- Healy: Letter to the British Section
-3- Healy: Letter to the British Section
-4- Healy: Letter to the British Section
-5- Healy: Letter to Leslie Goonewardene
-6- Chinese Section: Letter to the "International Secretariat of the Pabloites"
Section XIV: The Struggle in Canada
-1- Dowson (Kane), Fitzgerald and McAlpine: Statement of Three Canadian Leaders
-2- Dowson: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-3- Olsen: Letter to Gerry Healy
-4- Minutes of Canadian Political Committee, January 31, 1954
-5- Weiss: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-6- Dobbs: Letter to Ross Dowson
-7- Dowson: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-8- Dowson: Letter to the Canadian Section
-9- Dowson: Pabloite Minority Split in Canada
Issue March 1974 (4/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part III:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Committee Documents 1951 - 1954
Section XV: Correspondence between Ernest Germain (Ernest Mandel) and George Breitman
-1- Germain: Letter to George Breitman
-2- Breitman: Letter to Ernest Germain
-3- Germain: Letter to George Breitman
-4- Breitman: Letter to Ernest Germain
-5- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-6- Cannon: Letter to George Breitman
-7- Cannon: Letter to George Breitman
Section XVI: Correspondence between James P. Cannon and Leslie Goonewardene
-1- Goonewardene: Letter to James P. Cannon
-2- Cannon: Letter to Leslie Goonewardene
Section XVII: The Struggle over the "Fourth World Congress"
-1- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-2- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-3- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-4- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-5- Dobbs: Letter to James P. Cannon
-6- Resolutions adopted by the International Committee of the Fourth International at its May 11, 1954, Meeting
-7- Cannon: Letter to Leslie Goonewardene
-8- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-9- Healy and Gordon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-10- Dobbs: Letter to James P. Cannon
-11- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
Issue March 1974 (1/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part IV:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Secretariat Documents 1951 - 1954
Section I: Before the Third World Congress
-1- Pablo (Raptis): Where Are We Going?
-2- Pablo: On the Duration and the Nature of the Period of Transition dfrom Capitalism to Socialism
-3- Mandel: What Should Be Modified and What Should Be Maintained in the Theses of the Second World Congress of the Fourth International on the Question of Stalinism? (Ten Theses)
-4- Orientation and Perspectives (Resolution Adopted by the Third World Congress of the Fourth International)
Section II: Entryism "Of a Special Type"
Pablo: The Building of the Revolutionary Party
Issue March 1974 (2/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part IV:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Secretariat Documents 1951 - 1954
Section III: The Split in the French Section
-1- Resolution Adopted by the Tenth Plenum of the IEC on the French Section
-2- Resolution of the Political Bureau on the Framework of the Preparatory Discussion for the Congress (March 31, 1952)
-3- Declaration of the Bleibtreu-Lambert Tendency on the Agreement Concluded at the International Executive Committee
-4- Germain: Letter to the Bleibtrei-Lambert Tendency
-5- Resolution of the Political Bureau of the PCI
-6- Resolution Adopted by the Conference of the Majority of the PCI
-7- Resolution of the 11th Plenum of the IEC on the French PCI
-8- Pablo: For a Decisive Turn in France
Section IV: The Position of the SWP Minority on Stalinism in the Cochran Fight
Frankel (Braverman): The New World Reality and the New Confusion - What Hansen's Document Has Revealed
Section V: Pablo's Role in the Cochran Fight
-1- Pablo, Mandel and Frank: Letter to Farrell Dobbs, Morris Stein and Joseph Hansen
-2- Healy: Letter to Morris Stein, Farrell Dobbs and Joseph Hansen
-3- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-4- Pablo: Letter to George Novack dated April 1953
-5- Cannon: Letter to Michel Pablo
-6- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-7- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-8- International Secretariat of the Fourth International: Letter to the National Committee of the SWP
-9- Bureau of the International Secretariat of the Fourth International: Letter to the SWP National Committee Majority
-10- International Secretariat of the Fourth International: Letter to the SWP National Committee Majority
-11- Pablo: Some very Strange Conceptions of Internationalism and Our International
Issue March 1974 (3/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part IV:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Secretariat Documents 1951 - 1954
Section VI: Deepening Differences over Stalinism
-1- Clarke: Stalin's Role - Stalinism's Future
-2- Pablo: The Post-Stalin "New Course"
-3- Editorial Note to Correspondence in the March-April 1953 Issue of Fourth International
-4- Stein: Letter to Fourth International
-5- Clarke: Reply
-6- Note to Discussion Articles in March-April 1953 Issue of Fourth International
-7- Clarke: Shake-Up in the Kremlin
-8- Clarke: The June Days in Review
-9- International Secretariat Statement on the East German Uprising
-10- Editors of Fourth International: The East Germany Uprising
-11- Brad: Letter to the Editor of Fourth International
Section VII: Deepening Commitment to "Entryism of a special type"
-1- Our Integration in the Real Mass Movement, Our Experience and Perspective
-2- Pablo: From the Third to the Fourth World Congress
Issue March 1974 (4/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part IV:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Secretariat Documents 1951 - 1954
Section VIII: Heading for a Showdown
-1- International Secretariat: Letter to Sam Gordon
-2- Bureau of the International Secretariat: Letter to Gerry Healy
-3- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-4- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-5- Resolution of the Cochranite Minority of the SWP Political Committee on the Internal Party Situation
Section IX: Pablo Declares a "Split"
-1- Bureau of the International Secretariat: Letter to the November 7-8 Plenum of the SWP National Committee
-2- Statement of the Cochran-Clarke-Bartell Faction on the Split in the SWP
-3- Bureau of the International Secretariat: Letter to the Leaderships of All Sections
-4- Lawrence: Letter to th4e Members of the British Section
-5- Pablo: They Desert, We Go Forward
-6- Germain: An Attempt at an Anti-Trotskyist Atlantic pact
-7- Bureau of the Inrternational Secretariat: After the Treachery of the Cannonites: An Appeal
-8- The 14th Plenum of the International Executive Committee
-9- The Socialist Union of America
-10- Bureau of the International Secretariat: Letter to the Leaderships of All Sections
-11- International Secretariat: Letter to the Revolutionary Communist Party (Chinese Section of the Fourth International)
-12- International Secretariat: Letter to the Canadian Section of the Fourth International
-13- Mangan: Letter to Michel Pablo
Section X: In Reply to the Open Letter
FI IEC: To the defense oi the Fourth International
Section XI: A Debate over Stalinism
-1- Central Committee of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party: Resolution on the International Secretariat resolution "Rise and Decline of Stalinism"
-2- Germain: Answer to the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party on "Rise and Decline of Stalinism".
-3- For an International Workers Conference Parallel to the Geneva Conference
Section XII: The Pablo Faction Debates the Question of Unity
-1- International Secretariat: Reply to the Central Committee of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party
-2- Lanka Sama Samaja Party: Repeated Request
-3- Lanka Sama Samaja Party: Proposals for Reunification
-4- International Executive Committee: Appeal
-5- Lawrence: Letter to Michel Pablo, Secretary of the International Secretariat
-6- De Silva and Goonewardene (Lanka Sama Samaja Party): Letter to the International Secretariat
-7- Declaration of the National Committee of the Socialist Union of America
-8- Pablo: Our Conception of the International and the Struggle Within It
Section XIII: Pablo's American "Trotskyists" Break With Trotskyism
Our Orientation
Issue April 1974 --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part V:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Secretariat Documents 1951 - 1954
Hansen: Introduction
Shachtman: Foreword
Shachtman: Ten Years: History and Principles of the Left Opposition
Issue June 1973 --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part I:
Three Contributions on Postwar Developments
- Conner: From World War II to the Cold War (1973)
- Evans: The Fourth International from Split to Reunification (1973)
- Kerry: Problems of Methodology in the 1953 - 1954 Split in the Fourth International (1972)
Issue November 1973 --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part II:
- Van Heijenoort: How the Fourth International Was Conceived (1944)
- Wright: Trotsky's Struggle for the Fourth International (1946)
- Pablo: The Fourth International (A History of Its Ideas and Its Struggles)
Issue March 1974 (1/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part III:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Committee Documents 1951 - 1954
- Feldman: Introduction
Section I: Before the Third World Congress
- SWP: Contribution to the Discussion on International Perspectives (1951)
- Clarke: Some Comments on the "Contribution to the Discussion"
- Bleibtreu and Favre: Where is Comrade Pablo Going?
Section II: The Split in the French Section
- Renard: Letter to James P. Cannon
- Cannon: Letter to Daniel Renard
- The Struggle of the French Trotskyists Against Pabloite Liquidationism
Section III: The SWP Majority Position on Stalinism in the Cochran Fight
- Hansen: What the New York Discussion Has Revealed
Section IV: Pablo's Role in the Cochran Fight
-1- Dobbs, Stein and Hansen: Letter to George Novack
-2- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-3- Stein: Letter to Michel Pablo
-4- Gordon: Letter to James P. Cannon
-5- Cannon: Letter to Michel Pablo
-6- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-7- Healy: Letter to James P. Cannon
-8- Cannon: Letter to Sam Gordon
-9- Gordon: Letter to James P. Cannon
-10- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-11- Gordon: Letter to James P. Cannon
-12- Healy: Letter to James P. Cannon
-13- Healy: Letter to James P. Cannon
Issue March 1974 (2/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part III:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Committee Documents 1951 - 1954
Feldman: Introduction
Section IV: Pablo's Role in the Cochran Fight (Contibued)
-14- Novack: Letter to Gerry Healy
-15- Novack: Report given to the Majority Caucus of the New York Local (August 3, 1953)
-16- Novack: Letter to the Majority of the SWP National Committee
Section V: The deepening differences on Stalinism
- Stein: Some Remarks on "The Rise and Fall of Stalinism"
- Novack: Clarke's View on Stalinism
- Memorandum on "The Rise and Decline of Stalinism"
Section VI: Four Supporters of Cochran-Clarke-Bartell "Graduate" from the SWP
- Roberts: Statement to Seattle Branch, July 23, 1953
- Flint: Report from Seattle to the majority Caucus
Section VII: Pablo Attacks the British Section
-1- Gordon: Letter to Friends in the SWP
-2- Gordon: Letter to Friends in the SWP
-3- Healy: Letter to James P. Cannon
-4- Cannon: Letter to George Novack
-5- Cannon: Letter to George Novack
-6- Cannon: Letter to Gerry Healy
-7- Healy: Letter to James P. Cannon
-8- Gordon: Letter to Friends in the SWP
-9- Report from England for the National Committee Majority (September 1953)
-10- Healy: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-11- Healy: Statement on the Document "The Rise and Fall of Stalinism"
Section VIII
Hansen: Is World War III Inevitable?
Section IX: Preparing an International Struggle
-1- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-2- Agreements Arrived at at London Meeting, October 3 - 4, 1953
-3- Breitman: Letter to James P. Cannon
-4- Dobbs: Letter to Gerry Healy
-5- Dobbs: Letter to Gerry Healy
-6- Resolution of the 25th Anniversary Plenum of the SWP
-7- Dobbs: Letter to Gerry Healy
Issue March 1974 (3/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part III:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Committee Documents 1951 - 1954
Feldman: Introduction
Section X: Declaring an International Public Faction
-1- A Letter to Trotskyists Throughout the World
-2- Against Pabloist Revisionism
-3- Resolution Forming the International Committee
-4- The Successive Stages of Pabloist Revisionism
-5- Militant editorial: Fourth International rallies Against Pablo (December 21, 1953)
-6- Dobbs: Letter to Cothinkers in England and France
Section XI:
Cannon: The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Plenum of the SWP
Section XII:
Peng: Letter to James P. Cannon: The Chinese Experience with Pabloite Revisionism
Section XIII: Pablo Declares a Split
-1- Report on a Meeting of the French Pabloite Group
-2- Healy: Letter to the British Section
-3- Healy: Letter to the British Section
-4- Healy: Letter to the British Section
-5- Healy: Letter to Leslie Goonewardene
-6- Chinese Section: Letter to the "International Secretariat of the Pabloites"
Section XIV: The Struggle in Canada
-1- Dowson (Kane), Fitzgerald and McAlpine: Statement of Three Canadian Leaders
-2- Dowson: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-3- Olsen: Letter to Gerry Healy
-4- Minutes of Canadian Political Committee, January 31, 1954
-5- Weiss: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-6- Dobbs: Letter to Ross Dowson
-7- Dowson: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-8- Dowson: Letter to the Canadian Section
-9- Dowson: Pabloite Minority Split in Canada
Issue March 1974 (4/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part III:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Committee Documents 1951 - 1954
Section XV: Correspondence between Ernest Germain (Ernest Mandel) and George Breitman
-1- Germain: Letter to George Breitman
-2- Breitman: Letter to Ernest Germain
-3- Germain: Letter to George Breitman
-4- Breitman: Letter to Ernest Germain
-5- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-6- Cannon: Letter to George Breitman
-7- Cannon: Letter to George Breitman
Section XVI: Correspondence between James P. Cannon and Leslie Goonewardene
-1- Goonewardene: Letter to James P. Cannon
-2- Cannon: Letter to Leslie Goonewardene
Section XVII: The Struggle over the "Fourth World Congress"
-1- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-2- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-3- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-4- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-5- Dobbs: Letter to James P. Cannon
-6- Resolutions adopted by the International Committee of the Fourth International at its May 11, 1954, Meeting
-7- Cannon: Letter to Leslie Goonewardene
-8- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-9- Healy and Gordon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
-10- Dobbs: Letter to James P. Cannon
-11- Cannon: Letter to Farrell Dobbs
Issue March 1974 (1/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part IV:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Secretariat Documents 1951 - 1954
Section I: Before the Third World Congress
-1- Pablo (Raptis): Where Are We Going?
-2- Pablo: On the Duration and the Nature of the Period of Transition dfrom Capitalism to Socialism
-3- Mandel: What Should Be Modified and What Should Be Maintained in the Theses of the Second World Congress of the Fourth International on the Question of Stalinism? (Ten Theses)
-4- Orientation and Perspectives (Resolution Adopted by the Third World Congress of the Fourth International)
Section II: Entryism "Of a Special Type"
Pablo: The Building of the Revolutionary Party
Issue March 1974 (2/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part IV:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Secretariat Documents 1951 - 1954
Section III: The Split in the French Section
-1- Resolution Adopted by the Tenth Plenum of the IEC on the French Section
-2- Resolution of the Political Bureau on the Framework of the Preparatory Discussion for the Congress (March 31, 1952)
-3- Declaration of the Bleibtreu-Lambert Tendency on the Agreement Concluded at the International Executive Committee
-4- Germain: Letter to the Bleibtrei-Lambert Tendency
-5- Resolution of the Political Bureau of the PCI
-6- Resolution Adopted by the Conference of the Majority of the PCI
-7- Resolution of the 11th Plenum of the IEC on the French PCI
-8- Pablo: For a Decisive Turn in France
Section IV: The Position of the SWP Minority on Stalinism in the Cochran Fight
Frankel (Braverman): The New World Reality and the New Confusion - What Hansen's Document Has Revealed
Section V: Pablo's Role in the Cochran Fight
-1- Pablo, Mandel and Frank: Letter to Farrell Dobbs, Morris Stein and Joseph Hansen
-2- Healy: Letter to Morris Stein, Farrell Dobbs and Joseph Hansen
-3- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-4- Pablo: Letter to George Novack dated April 1953
-5- Cannon: Letter to Michel Pablo
-6- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-7- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-8- International Secretariat of the Fourth International: Letter to the National Committee of the SWP
-9- Bureau of the International Secretariat of the Fourth International: Letter to the SWP National Committee Majority
-10- International Secretariat of the Fourth International: Letter to the SWP National Committee Majority
-11- Pablo: Some very Strange Conceptions of Internationalism and Our International
Issue March 1974 (3/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part IV:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Secretariat Documents 1951 - 1954
Section VI: Deepening Differences over Stalinism
-1- Clarke: Stalin's Role - Stalinism's Future
-2- Pablo: The Post-Stalin "New Course"
-3- Editorial Note to Correspondence in the March-April 1953 Issue of Fourth International
-4- Stein: Letter to Fourth International
-5- Clarke: Reply
-6- Note to Discussion Articles in March-April 1953 Issue of Fourth International
-7- Clarke: Shake-Up in the Kremlin
-8- Clarke: The June Days in Review
-9- International Secretariat Statement on the East German Uprising
-10- Editors of Fourth International: The East Germany Uprising
-11- Brad: Letter to the Editor of Fourth International
Section VII: Deepening Commitment to "Entryism of a special type"
-1- Our Integration in the Real Mass Movement, Our Experience and Perspective
-2- Pablo: From the Third to the Fourth World Congress
Issue March 1974 (4/4) --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part IV:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Secretariat Documents 1951 - 1954
Section VIII: Heading for a Showdown
-1- International Secretariat: Letter to Sam Gordon
-2- Bureau of the International Secretariat: Letter to Gerry Healy
-3- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-4- Pablo: Letter to George Novack
-5- Resolution of the Cochranite Minority of the SWP Political Committee on the Internal Party Situation
Section IX: Pablo Declares a "Split"
-1- Bureau of the International Secretariat: Letter to the November 7-8 Plenum of the SWP National Committee
-2- Statement of the Cochran-Clarke-Bartell Faction on the Split in the SWP
-3- Bureau of the International Secretariat: Letter to the Leaderships of All Sections
-4- Lawrence: Letter to th4e Members of the British Section
-5- Pablo: They Desert, We Go Forward
-6- Germain: An Attempt at an Anti-Trotskyist Atlantic pact
-7- Bureau of the Inrternational Secretariat: After the Treachery of the Cannonites: An Appeal
-8- The 14th Plenum of the International Executive Committee
-9- The Socialist Union of America
-10- Bureau of the International Secretariat: Letter to the Leaderships of All Sections
-11- International Secretariat: Letter to the Revolutionary Communist Party (Chinese Section of the Fourth International)
-12- International Secretariat: Letter to the Canadian Section of the Fourth International
-13- Mangan: Letter to Michel Pablo
Section X: In Reply to the Open Letter
FI IEC: To the defense oi the Fourth International
Section XI: A Debate over Stalinism
-1- Central Committee of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party: Resolution on the International Secretariat resolution "Rise and Decline of Stalinism"
-2- Germain: Answer to the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party on "Rise and Decline of Stalinism".
-3- For an International Workers Conference Parallel to the Geneva Conference
Section XII: The Pablo Faction Debates the Question of Unity
-1- International Secretariat: Reply to the Central Committee of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party
-2- Lanka Sama Samaja Party: Repeated Request
-3- Lanka Sama Samaja Party: Proposals for Reunification
-4- International Executive Committee: Appeal
-5- Lawrence: Letter to Michel Pablo, Secretary of the International Secretariat
-6- De Silva and Goonewardene (Lanka Sama Samaja Party): Letter to the International Secretariat
-7- Declaration of the National Committee of the Socialist Union of America
-8- Pablo: Our Conception of the International and the Struggle Within It
Section XIII: Pablo's American "Trotskyists" Break With Trotskyism
Our Orientation
Issue April 1974 --- Towards a History of the Fourth International, Part V:
Struggle in the Fourth International: International Secretariat Documents 1951 - 1954
Hansen: Introduction
Shachtman: Foreword
Shachtman: Ten Years: History and Principles of the Left Opposition
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