[Cannon, James P.] Le parti révolutionnaire. ... |
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[Cannon, James P.] Love and Revolution: The Devotions of James P. Cannon and Rose Greenberg Karsner |
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[Carpenter, Edward; Ellis, Havelock] Dos pioneros de la liberación sexual: ... |
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[Carrillo Solares, Santiago José] Santiago Carrillo. Crónica de un secretario general |
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[Carrillo, Santiago] Dialogue on Spain |
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[Casals, Pablo (Pau Casals i Defilló)] Pablo Casals |
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[Castro Ruz, Fidel Alejandro] Castro |
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[Castro Ruz, Fidel Alejandro] Castro. A Political Biography |
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[Castro Ruz, Fidel Alejandro] Castro. Trente ans de pouvoir absolu |
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[Castro Ruz, Fidel Alejandro] Family Portrait with Fidel |
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[Castro Ruz, Fidel Alejandro] Fidel. A Critical Portrait |
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[Chamberlain, Mary] Fenwomen. A Portrait of Women in an English Village |
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[Chen Duxiu] Chen Duxiu, Father of Chinese Communism |
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[Chen Duxiu] Chen Tu-hsiu. A Revolutionist Betrayed |
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[Chen Yuan-tsung] The Dragon's Village. An autobiographical novel of Revolutionary China |
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[Cheo Ying, Esther] Black Country to Red China |
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[Ciliga, Ante] The Russian Enigma |
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[Clausewitz, Carl Philipp Gottfried von] Clausewitz and the State. ... |
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[Cleaver, Eldridge] Soul on Ice |
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[Codou, Roger] Le cabochard. Mémoires d' un communiste, 1925-1982 |
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[Comité pour la liberté de l'avortement et de la contraception (Grenoble, Fra] Libérons l'avortement |
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[Connolly, James] Connolly's Marxism |
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[Connolly, James] Cromwell |
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[Connolly, James] James Connolly et le mouvement révolutionnaire irlandais |
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[Constantino, Renato] Partisan Scholarship. Essays in Honour of Renato Constantino |
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[Cooper, Selina] The Life and Times of a Respectable Rebel: Selina Cooper 1864 - 1946 |
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[Corona, Humberto Noé "Bert"] Memories of Chicano History. The Life and Narrative of Bert Corona |
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[Corvalán Lepe, Luis Alberto] El Chile de Luis Corvalan. Una entrevista de 27 horas |
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[Cott, Nancy F.] Root of Bitterness. Documents of the Social History of American Women |
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[Cremet, Jean] As-tu vu Cremet? |
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[Cromwell, Oliver] God's Englishman. Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution |
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[Curiel, Henri] Un homme à part. Qui était Henri Curiel? Tome 2 |
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[Daniel, Jean] Le temps qui reste. Essai d'autobiographie professionnelle |
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[David, Guy] Chanson pour une école perdue (Le Lycée possible) |
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[Davidovich, Boris L.] Serbian Diaries |
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