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W, E Author
W. B. Author
W. I. Lenin. Kurzer biographischer Abriss Book
W., Sara Author
W.E.B. Dubois Speaks Collection
W.E.B. Dubois Speaks. Speeches and Addresses 1890-1919 Book
W.E.B. Dubois Speaks. Speeches and Addresses 1920-1963 Book
W001: Dynamics of the U.S. Labor Upsurge of the 1930s Book
W002: The Formation of Russian Marxism Book
W003: La révolution chinoise et le maoïsme revisités; / Dix ans de réformes: Boulversements et ... Book
W004: La révolution algérienne Book
W005: Civil War and Reconstruction in the U.S.  Primitive Accumulation and the Bourgeois Revolution Book
W006: La gauche philippine et les années 80. Une introduction à un dossier Book
W007: The Meaning of the American Revolution Book
W008: Constructing a Printshop. A case study in building the party apparatus Book
W009: Lessons from Women's Everyday Forms of Resistance in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.  ... Book
W010: Combats et débats de la IVe Internationale. 1 Des origines à 1963 Book
W011: Combats et débats de la IVe Internationale. 2: De la réunification de 1963 à nos jours Book
W012: Combats et débats de la IVe Internationale. 3: Retour sur les grands thèmes de débats Book
W013: Oppression sexuelle et oppression de classe Book
W013: Opresión sexual y opresión de clase Book
W013: Sexual Oppression and Class Oppression Book
W014: Helena Molony: Actress, Feminist, Nationalist, Socialist and Trade Unionist Book
W015: Sexuality Book
W016: La révolution vietnamienne. Rapport d'Introduction à un débat Book
W017: Le PCV dans la transition au socialisme: Etat, parti et population.   ... Book
W018: La révolution vietnamienne. Trois contributions à un débat (février 1986) Book
W019: Social Movement Unionism: Beyond Economic and Political Unionism Book
W020: Understanding Socialist and Proletarian Internationalism. ... Book
W021: Las organizaciones político-militares en América Latina. ... Book
W022: Reconsidering Leninism Book
W023: The Japanese Working Class Movement from the 1950s to the Middle of the 1970s Book
W024: Débat sur l'écologie Book
W025: Ecologie: éléments pour un débat de fond Book
W026: History of Chinese Trotskyism Book
W027: Leninism in the United States and the Decline of the Socialist Workers Party Book