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E. German Communist Denounces Bureaucracy. Rudolf Bahro's 'The Alternative' Book
E.P. Thompson & Raymond Williams. Romanticism in the English Social Sciences Book
E.P. Thompson y la historia. Un compromiso ético y político Book
Eagleton, Terry Author
EAL (Germany): Europäischen Antikapitalistischen Linken Author
Eane, Jane Author
Earle, Carville Author
Early History of the Communist Party of Great Britain Book
Early, Evelyn Author
Early, James Author
Early, Steve Author
Earsman, William Author
Easey, Walter Author
Easlea, Brian Author
East Asia Revolutions. Session Materials Book
East Asian Civilizations. New Attempts at Understanding Traditions. 1: Ethnic Identity and National Characteristics Book
East Central Europa Between the Two World Wars Book
East Timor's Unfinished Struggle. Inside the Timorese Resistance Book
East Timor. Violations of Human Rights. Extrajudicial Executions, 'Disappearances,' Torture and Political Imprisonment Book
East Timor. The Left and Military Intervention Book
East Timor: to be liberated or to be exterminated; that is the question Book
East-West Tensions in the Third World Book
East-West Trade and the GATT System Book
Easterley, William Author
Eastern Cauldron. Islam, Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq in a Marxist Mirror Book
Eastern Europe, Gorbachev and Reform. The Great Challenge Book
Eastern Europe, the USSR and the Issue of Transition to Socialism.  Reading materials, International School Book
Eastern Europe: Special discussion bulletin ... Book
Eastman, Max Author
Easton, Loyd D. Author
EAT Chine: Equipe Autonome de Travail--Chine: Castro, Lisete Author
Eatman, Dean Author
Eaton, John Author
Eaton, Mary Author
Eatwell, John Author
Eatwell, Roger Author