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[Boudarel, Georges] Autobiographie Book
[Boudiaf, Mohamed] Où va l'Algérie ? Book
[Bouvier, Jeanne] Mes mémoires. Une syndicaliste féministe, 1876-1935 Book
[Brecht, Bertolt] Brecht pour débutants Book
[Breitman, George] A Tribute to George Breitman, Writer, Organizer, Revolutionary Book
[Breytenbach, Breyten] End Papers. Essays, Letters, Articles of Faith, Workbook Notes Book
[Breytenbach, Breyten] The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist Book
[Brochet, Victorine] Souvenirs d'une morte vivante Book
[Brockway, Fenner] Auf der Linken Book
[Browne, Stella] A New World for Women: Stella Browne--Socialist Feminist Book
[Buber-Neumann, Margarete] Déportée en Sibérie Book
[Bukhárin, Nicoláï et al.] "Unpersonen" - wer waren sie wirklich? ... Book
[Bukhárin, Nikolai Ivanovich (bb, Dolgolevsky, Moses, Nota-Bene)] Nikolai Bukharin. The Last Years Book
[Bukhárin, Nikolai Ivanovich (bb, Dolgolevsky, Moses, Not] Nicolas Boukharine. La vie d'un bolchevik Book
[Bukhárin, Nikolai Ivanovich] Boukharine, ma passion Book
[Bukhárin, Nikolai Ivanovich] Boukharine- Oeuvres choisies en un volume Book
[Bukhárin, Nikolai Ivanovich] Die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltgericht. ... Book
[Bukhárin, Nikolai Ivanovi] Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution. A Political Biography 1888 - 1938 Book
[Bukovsky, Vladimir] ... et le vent reprend ses tours. Ma vie de dissident Book
[Bulkin, Elly] Yours in Struggle. Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Semitism and Racism Book
[Bulosan, Carlos] America Is In The Heart. A Personal History Book
[Buonarotti, Filippo Giuseppe Maria Ludovico] Buonarroti Book
[Burchett, Wilfred] At the Barricades Book
[Burchett, Wilfred] Burchett. Reporting the Other Side of the World 1939-1983 Book
[Cabezas Lacayo, Omar] La montaña es algo más que una inmensa estepa verde Book
[Cabezas, Omar] Fire From The Mountain. The Making Of A Sandinista Book
[Cabezas, Omar] La montaña es algo más que una inmensa estepa verde Book
[Cabral, Amilcar] Amilcar Cabral. Essai de biographie politique Book
[Calderón Sandino, Augusto Nicolás] General Augusto C. Sandino, ... Book
[Califia, Pat] Dildo Envy and Other Phallic Adventures Book
[Cameron, James] Witness. The Complete Story of J. Cameron's Journey to North Vietnam Book
[Campa, Valentín] Mi testimonio. Memorias de un comunista mexicano Book
[Cannon, James P.] Building the Revolutionary Party. An Introduction to James P. Cannon Book
[Cannon, James P.] James P. Cannon As We Knew Him Book
[Cannon, James P.] James P. Cannon. The Internationalist Book
[Cannon, James P.] James P. [Cannon and the Emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928 - 38 Book