Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  I 
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Name Subject Type
Israel lobby Topical Term
Issy-les-Moulineaux Geographic Name
IST: International Socialist Tendency Corporate Name
Istrati, Panait Personal Name
Italian unification, risorgimento (1815 - 1871) Topical Term
Italo-Turkish war (1911 - 1912) Topical Term
Italy Geographic Name
ITE: Internationale des travailleurs de l'enseignement Corporate Name
ITF: International Transport Workers' Federation (1896) Corporate Name
ITGWU (Ireland): Irish Transport and General Workers Union Corporate Name
ITO: Jewish Territorial Organization (Freeland League) Corporate Name
ITT Corporation, ITT Inc. Corporate Name
ITUC - International Trade Union Confederation (2000 -) Corporate Name
IU (Peru): Izquierda Unida Corporate Name
IU (Spain): Izquierda Unida Corporate Name
IUF - International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (1920) Corporate Name
Iulius Caesar, Gaius Personal Name
IUS: International Union of Students (1946 - ) Corporate Name
IUSY: International Union of Socialist Youth Corporate Name
Ivanov (chairman of the Enecha RCP(B)) Personal Name
Ivanov (Commissar) Family Name
Ivanov, Ivan Ivanovich (murdered) Personal Name
Ivanov, N. I. Personal Name
Ivanov, V. G. Personal Name
Ivanov, V. I. Personal Name
Ivanov-Razumnik, Razumnik Vasilyevich Personal Name
Ivanovo-Vosnesensk Geographic Name
IvAO (Netherlands: Instutuut voor Arbeidersontwikkeling Corporate Name
Ivashchenko, D. Y. Personal Name
Ivory Coast
Ivry-sur-Seine Geographic Name
IWA: International Working Men's Association (First International; IWMA; AIT, 1864 - 1876) Corporate Name
IWUSP: International Working Union of Socialist Parties (2 1/2 International; Vienna Association) Corporate Name
IWW (USA): Industrial Workers of the World (1905-) Corporate Name
Izarra, William Personal Name
Izgoyev Family Name
Izmailov, N. F. Personal Name
Izquierda Alternativa
Izvestia Corporate Name
Izvestia VZIK Corporate Name
Izyum Geographic Name