Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  A 
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Name Subject Type
A Batalha Corporate Name
A Greve Corporate Name
Aartsen, Jozias Johannes van Personal Name
Aasen, Augusta (Paasche) Personal Name
AAUD (Germany): Allgemeine Arbeiterunion Deutschlands Corporate Name
AAUE (Germany): Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union – Einheitsorganisation Corporate Name
AB (South Africa): Afrikaner Broederbond Corporate Name
Abakumov, Viktor Semyonovich Personal Name
Abbas, Kamal Personal Name
Abbott, Stanley Personal Name
Abdullah ibn Al-Hussein, (King of Jordan) Personal Name
Abélard, Pierre Personal Name
Abendroth, Wolfgang Personal Name
Abern, Martin Personal Name
Aboriginal Topical Term
abortion Topical Term
About, Edmond Personal Name
Abraham, Lucienne (Michèle Mestre) Personal Name
Abrahantes, Juan Personal Name
absolute surplus value Topical Term
absolutism Topical Term
abstention from voting Topical Term
abstraction Topical Term
Abu Ahmad Fu'ad Personal Name
abundance Topical Term
abuse Topical Term
ABVV - FGTB (Belgium) Corporate Name
academician Occupation
Acadia Geographic Name
access Topical Term
accidents, disasters Topical Term
Accor Corporate Name
accounting Topical Term
Accra Geographic Name
accumulation Topical Term
accumulation process of capital Topical Term
ACdP (Spain): Asociación Católica de Propagandistas (1908) Corporate Name
Aceh (Atjeh) Geographic Name
Acevedo Diaz, Eduardo Personal Name
ACFTU (China): All-China Federation of Trade Unions Corporate Name
ACGH (France, Spain): Action catholique générale des hommes Corporate Name
Achdut HaAwoda (Unity of Labour) (Israel) 1919-1930 Corporate Name
Acheson, Alec Personal Name
achievements Topical Term
achtzehnte Brumaire Date
Acín Aquilué, Ramón Arsenio Personal Name
ACJF (France): L’Association catholique de la jeunesse française (1886 - 1956) Corporate Name
Ackermann, Anton Personal Name
Ackermann, Paul Personal Name
Acosta Hechevarría, Roberto Personal Name