Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  I 
Displaying 1 - 50 of 291

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! (1) | " (6) | ' (1) | ( (5) | 1 (312) | 2 (34) | 3 (1) | 4 (2) | 5 (1) | 6 (1) | 7 (1) | 8 (1) | 9 (2) | < (1) | A (649) | B (907) | C (897) | D (506) | E (356) | F (506) | G (501) | H (447) | I (291) | J (189) | K (502) | L (623) | M (894) | N (417) | O (220) | P (869) | Q (32) | R (587) | S (1192) | T (456) | U (155) | V (234) | W (371) | X (6) | Y (84) | Z (112) | Ø (1) | Đ (2) | Ł (1)
Name Subject Type
IA (Spain): Izquierda Alternativa Corporate Name
IA (Spain): Izquierda anticapitalista Corporate Name
IAEA - International Arts and Entertainment Alliance (1997) Corporate Name
IAF: Internationale Arbeiterfront Corporate Name
IAG: Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft (1932 - 1940) Corporate Name
Iakir, Piotr Personal Name
IALHI: International Association of Labour History Institutions Corporate Name
Iámboulos Personal Name
Ianovich Family Name
Iarros, M. Personal Name
IASWI (Iran): Alliance internationale pour le soutien des travailleurs en Iran Corporate Name
IAV: Revolutionaire Syndicalistische Internationale Corporate Name
Ibáñez del Campo, Carlos Personal Name
Ibarolla Family Name
Ibarra de Piedra, Rosario
ibero-americanismo Topical Term
IBEW (Canada, Panama, USA): International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Corporate Name
IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) Corporate Name
Ibn Khaldun, Abdel-Rahman Personal Name
Ibrahim, Hassan Personal Name
Ibrahim, Nassar Personal Name
Ibrahimov Personal Name
IBRYO: International Bureau of Revolutionary Youth Organizations (Stockholm Bureau) Corporate Name
Ibsen, Henrik
IBT (USA): International Brotherhood of Teamsters Corporate Name
ICA (Ireland): Irish Citizen Army (1913 - 1919) Corporate Name
Icarians Corporate Name
ICC: International Chamber of Commerce Corporate Name
ICC: International Criminal Court Corporate Name
ICE (Spain): Izquierda Comunista de España (1932) Corporate Name
Icelandic Labour Party Corporate Name
ICFTU: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (CIOSL, CISL, IBFG) Corporate Name
ICL - Britain: Marxist Group Corporate Name
ICL - FI - France: Parti Ouvrier Internationaliste (POI, 1936 -1944) Corporate Name
ICL - France: Groupe Bolchevique-Leniniste (GBL, ca. 1934- 1936) Corporate Name
ICL - France: Ligue communiste internationaliste (LCI, 1933 -) Corporate Name
ICL - Germany: Internationale Kommunisten Deutschlands (IKD) Corporate Name
ICL - LCI-BL: International-Communist League (1933 - 1936) Corporate Name
ICL - Mexico Corporate Name
ICL - Netherlands: Revolutionair Socialistische Arbeiderspartij (RSAP, 1935 - 1940) Corporate Name
ICL - Spain: Izquierde Comunista de España (ICE) Corporate Name
ICL - USA: Communist League of America (CLA, 1928 - 1934) Corporate Name
ICL - USA: Workers' Party of the United States (WPUS, 1934 - 1936) Corporate Name
ICL: International Communist League (1933 - 1938) Corporate Name
iconoclasm Topical Term
ICP (Iraq): Al-Hizb al-Shuju'i al-'Iraqi (Iraqi Communist Party) Corporate Name
ICP (Vietnam, Indochina): Indocinese Communist Party Corporate Name
ICU (South Africa): Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union Corporate Name
Idaho Geographic Name