idealism |
ideals |
Topical Term |
identity |
Topical Term |
identity politics |
Topical Term |
ideology |
Idiáquez, José |
Personal Name |
IDWF - International Domestic Workers Federation (2013) |
Corporate Name |
Ieper |
Geographic Name |
Ievgrafov, Nikolai Andreievitch |
Personal Name |
IFJ - International Federation of Journalists (1926) |
Corporate Name |
Ifni |
Geographic Name |
IFP (South Africa): Inkatha Freedom Party |
Corporate Name |
IFTU (FSI): International Federation of Trade Unions (Amsterdam International) (1919 - 1945) |
Corporate Name |
IFWW: International Federation (Congress) of Working Women (1919 - 1923) |
Corporate Name |
IGfM (Germany): Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte |
Corporate Name |
Iglesias Posse, Paulino "Pablo" |
Personal Name |
IGM (Germany): IG Metall, Industriegewerkschaft Metall |
Corporate Name |
Ignatyev, A. M. |
Personal Name |
IIRE: International Institute for Research and Education |
Corporate Name |
IISG (Netherlands): Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (Amsterdam) |
Corporate Name |
IJmkers, Aaldert |
Personal Name |
IKD (Germany): Internationale Kommunisten Deutschlands (1918) |
Corporate Name |
Corporate Name |
IKL Internationale Liga der Kommunisten-Internationalisten (Bolsjewiki-Leninisten) (1934) |
Corporate Name |
Ikoku, S. G. |
Personal Name |
Ikov, Vladimir |
Personal Name |
Ikramov, A. |
Personal Name |
Il Lavoratore (Italy, ca. 1943) |
Corporate Name |
Il Manifesto |
Corporate Name |
Ilangaratne, Tikiri Bandara |
Personal Name |
ILD (USA): International Labor Defense |
Corporate Name |
Ileo, Joseph |
Personal Name |
ILGWU (USA): International Ladies" Garments Workers' Union |
Corporate Name |
ILLA (Ireland): Irish Land and Labour Association |
Corporate Name |
illegal workers (undocumented workers) |
Topical Term |
Illich, Ivan |
Personal Name |
illusion |
Topical Term |
illustrations |
ILO (OIT, BIT): International Labour Organization |
Corporate Name |
ILO: International Left Opposition (1929 - 1933) |
Corporate Name |
ILP (Britain): Independent Labour Party (1893 - 1975) |
Corporate Name |
Ilstein Curtiss, Lillian |
Personal Name |
Ilyin, Ivan Alexandrovich |
Personal Name |
Imandt, Peter |
Personal Name |
Imeretie-Mingrelie |
Geographic Name |
Imetia-Mingrelia committee of the RSDLP |
Corporate Name |
IMF (FMI): International Monetary Fund |
Corporate Name |
immanentism |
Topical Term |
Immermann |
Family Name |
immigration |
Topical Term |