Chacón Roa, Luis |
Personal Name |
Chad |
Chagos Archipelago |
Geographic Name |
Chahoumian, Stepan |
Personal Name |
Chaintron, Jean |
Personal Name |
chairman of the military revolutionary committee of the Don region |
Function |
chairman of the Nizhni-Novgorod soviet |
Function |
chairman of the Simbirsk soviet |
Function |
Chalatenango |
Geographic Name |
Chaliand, Gérard |
Challenge of Youth |
Corporate Name |
Chalmers, Thomas |
Personal Name |
Chalon |
Geographic Name |
Chamba Lobsang |
Personal Name |
Chambelland, Maurice |
Personal Name |
Chamberlain, Neville |
Chambers, Whittaker |
Personal Name |
Chambre, Henri |
Personal Name |
Chamfort, Nicholas (Sébastien-Roch Nicolas) |
Personal Name |
Chamorro, Pedro Joaquín |
Chamorro, Violeta |
Champion, A. W. George |
Personal Name |
Chamson, André |
Personal Name |
Chancoso, Blanca |
Personal Name |
Chang Ch'un-ch'iao |
Personal Name |
change |
Topical Term |
change of capital (Umschlag des Kapitals) |
Topical Term |
Changsha |
Geographic Name |
Chaplin, Charles |
Personal Name |
Chapuis, Robert |
Personal Name |
Charagua Iyambae |
Geographic Name |
charity |
Topical Term |
Charlemagne (Charles the Great) |
Personal Name |
Charles de Brosses |
Personal Name |
Charles I of England |
Personal Name |
Charles X of France |
Personal Name |
Charles, C |
Personal Name |
Charlottenburg |
Geographic Name |
Charlow, W. N. |
Personal Name |
Charolambos |
Personal Name |
Charonne |
Geographic Name |
Charta 77 |
Corporate Name |
charter |
Topical Term |
chartism |
Topical Term |
Chassin, Charles-Louis |
Personal Name |
Chaumette, Pierre-Gaspard "Anaxagoras" |
Personal Name |
chauvinism |
Topical Term |
Chavarría, José Hilario |
Personal Name |
Chávez Frías, Hugo Rafael |
Personal Name |
chavism |
Topical Term |