Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  C 
Displaying 351 - 400 of 897

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Name Subject Type
Chinese great proletarian cultural revolution 1966 - 1976 Topical Term
Chinese People's Republic Personal Name
Chinese state organs Corporate Name
Ching-kang Shan Geographic Name
Chirac, Jacques Personal Name
Chișinău (Kishinev) Geographic Name
Chita Geographic Name
Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Geographic Name
CHK (Netherlands): Christelijk-Historische Kiezersbond (1897- 1903) Corporate Name
Chkheidze Family Name
Chlapowo-Chlapowski, A. Personal Name
Chodorow, Nancy
Chomón, Faure Personal Name
Chomsky, Noam
Chon Kai Personal Name
Chopin, Frédéric François (Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin) Personal Name
Christ, Jesus Personal Name
christian (protestant) political parties Topical Term
Christian Base Communities Topical Term
christian heresy Topical Term
christian socialism Topical Term
christian-democracy Topical Term
christianity Topical Term
christianization Topical Term
Christina Personal Name
chronology Genre/Form of material
Chtitz, Otto Personal Name
Chubar, Vlas Yakovlevich Personal Name
Chuikov, Vasily Ivanovich Personal Name
church and school Topical Term
church and state Topical Term
Chutskayev, S. Y. Personal Name
CI: Comintern, Communist International, Third International (also: ECCI) Corporate Name
CIA (USA): Central Intelligence Agency Corporate Name
Cicote, José Personal Name
CIDA: Campanha Internacional pelo Direito ao Aborto Corporate Name
Cienfuegos, Camilo Personal Name
Čierna (Ágcsernyő) Geographic Name
Cieszkowski, August Dołęga Personal Name
Cigerxwin Personal Name
Cikeusik Geographic Name
Ciliga, Ante (Anton) Personal Name
cinema, film, movie Topical Term
Cinquera Geographic Name
CIO (USA): Congress of Industrial Organizations (1936-1955) Corporate Name
CIPCA (Bolivia): Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado Corporate Name
CIR (France): Convention des Institutions Républicaines Corporate Name
circulating capital Topical Term
circulation Topical Term