Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  C 
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Name Subject Type
Castro Ruz, Fidel Alejandro Personal Name
Castro Ruz, Raúl Modesto Personal Name
Castro, José Joao de Personal Name
Castro, Mariel Personal Name
castroism Topical Term
Catalonia (Catalunya) Geographic Name
catharism Topical Term
Catherine II of Russia (Sophie Frédérique Augusta d'Anhalt-Zerbst) Personal Name
catholicism Topical Term
Cattaro (Kotor) Geographic Name
cattle Topical Term
Caucasus Mountains Geographic Name
Caudwell, Christopher (Christopher St John Sprigg) Personal Name
Cautín Geographic Name
Cavell, Edith Louisa Personal Name
Cavour, di Cellarengo e di Isolabella, Camillo Paolo Filippo Giulio Benso, conte di Personal Name
Cayman Islands
CCF (Canada) Cooperative Commonwealth Federation Corporate Name
CCF (USA): Congress for Cultural Freedom Corporate Name
CCI (France): Comité communiste internationaliste Corporate Name
CCI (France): Courant communiste internationaliste Corporate Name
CCOO (Spain): Comisiones Obreras Corporate Name
CCP (China): Communist Party of China Corporate Name
CCSR (Russia): Conseil Central des Syndicats de Russie Corporate Name
CD (El Salvador): Corporate Name
CDS (Nicaragua): Comité de Defensa Sandinista Corporate Name
CDS (Portugal): Partido do Centro Democrático Social (1974 - ) Corporate Name
CDS, CLV (Britain): Campaign for Democratic Socialism (1960 - 1981) Corporate Name
CDU (Germany): Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands Corporate Name
CDU (Netherlands): Christelijk-democratische Unie (1926 - 1946) Corporate Name
Ceaușescu, Nicolae Personal Name
Cecchini, Pablo Personal Name
Cecil of Chelwood Personal Name
CEDA (Spain) Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas (1933 - 1937) Corporate Name
Célarié, Henriette Family Name
celep (ottoman animal herders) Topical Term
Céline, Louis Ferdinand
cells Topical Term
Célor, Pierre Personal Name
Celts Topical Term
CEN (Spain): Comité de empresas de Navarra Corporate Name
Cena, Giovanni Personal Name
CENDES (Venezuela): Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo Corporate Name
Cendrars, Blaise (Frédéric-Louis Sauser) Personal Name
Cendrós, Joan B. Personal Name
census Topical Term
Central Africa