Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  A 
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Name Subject Type
Archimbaud, Léon Personal Name
archives Topical Term
Arctic Ocean
Ardant, Gabriel Personal Name
Arditi del Popolo (Italy) (1921-1922?) Corporate Name
area, land, territory Topical Term
ARENA (El Salvador): Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (1981) Corporate Name
Arendt, Hannah Personal Name
Arenys de Munt Geographic Name
Arequipa Geographic Name
Ares Rodríguez, Lydia Personal Name
Arévalo Bermejo, Juan José Personal Name
Argenteuil Geographic Name
Arguedas, José María Personal Name
Argyriades, Panajionis Personal Name
Arístarchos of Sámos Personal Name
Aristide, Jean-Bertrand Personal Name
Arístippos of Cyrene Personal Name
aristocratic communism Topical Term
Aristotéles of Stágeira Personal Name
Ariza, Julián Personal Name
Arkadia Geographic Name
Arkanov, S. M. Personal Name
Arkesílaos of Pitáne Personal Name
ARMA (Venezuela): Alianza Revolucionaria Militar en Armas Corporate Name
Armageddon (Tel Megiddo, מגידו, مجیدو, Tell al-Mutesellim, Ἁρμαγεδών) Geographic Name
armament Topical Term
Armand, Inessa Fedorovna (Petrova, Inessa) Personal Name
Armavir Geographic Name
Armco (AK Steel Holdings Corporation, 1899 - 2020) Corporate Name
armed struggle
ARMM: Auronomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Geographic Name
arms race
arms trade, weapons trade Topical Term
army Topical Term
army-horse censuses 1888 - 1891 Topical Term
Arndt, Adolf Personal Name
Arndt, Ernst Moritz Personal Name
Arndt, Paul Personal Name
Arnold, Matthew Personal Name
Arnold, Valentin Volfridovich Personal Name
Arnoldt, Hermann Personal Name
Arnsberg Geographic Name
Aron, Raymond Personal Name
ARP (Netherlands): Anti-Revolutionaire Partij (1879 - 1980) Corporate Name