Subjects Glossary

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Name Subject Type
anti-democracy Topical Term
anti-democratism Topical Term
anti-electoral Topical Term
anti-fascism Topical Term
anti-feudalism Topical Term
anti-gaullisme Topical Term
anti-globalization Topical Term
anti-imperialism Topical Term
Anti-Imperialisme Liga (Anti Imperialsit League, 1927 - ca. 1930) Corporate Name
anti-leninism Topical Term
anti-marxism Topical Term
anti-militarism Topical Term
anti-nuclear movement Corporate Name
Anti-Opiumbond (Netherlands) Corporate Name
anti-patriotism Topical Term
anti-racism Corporate Name
anti-religion Topical Term
anti-revolutionaries Topical Term
anti-semitism Topical Term
anti-sexualism Topical Term
anti-socialism Topical Term
anti-socialist laws (Sozialistengesetze) Topical Term
Anti-Soviet Right Wing Trotskist Bloc (1936) Corporate Name
Anti-Soviet Trotskist Military Organisation (USSR) Corporate Name
Anti-Soviet Trotskist-Zinoviewist Centre (USSR, 1936)) Corporate Name
anti-stalinism Topical Term
anti-system Topical Term
anti-trotskyism Topical Term
anti-war Topical Term
anti-war movement Topical Term
anti-zionism Topical Term
ANTIFO (Netherlands): Comité Anti Fascisme en Oorlog (1932 - 1933) Corporate Name
ANTIFO (Netherlands): Comité Anti Fascisme en Oorlog (1932 - 1933) Corporate Name
Antilles Geographic Name
antiquity Topical Term
Antonelle, Pierre-Antoine Personal Name
Antonov Personal Name
Antonov-Ovseyenko, Vladimir Alexandrovich Personal Name
Antwerpen (Anvers, Antwerp, Amberes) Geographic Name
Anwar Ibrahim Personal Name
Anwar, Johnny Personal Name
ANWV (Netherlands): Algemeen Nederlands Werklieden Verbond (1871 - Corporate Name
ANZAC: Australian and New Zealand Army Corps Corporate Name
AP (Brazil): Ação popular (1964-) Corporate Name
APDM (Pakistan): All Parties Democratic Movement Corporate Name
APDUSA (South Africa): African Peopleś Democratic Union of Sourh Africa Corporate Name
APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Corporate Name
apes and monkeys Topical Term
API (Chile): Acción Popular Independiente Corporate Name