Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  A 
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Name Subject Type
Aswany, Alaa Al- Personal Name
Atabekjanz, Jossif Nersessowitsch Personal Name
ATF (Netherlands): Anti Terreur Fonds Corporate Name
Athens (Athína) Geographic Name
ATIB: Avropa Turk Islam Birliği Corporate Name
Atkinson, William Personal Name
Atlanta Geographic Name
Atlantic Ocean
Atocha Geographic Name
atomic armament, atomic bomb, nuclear weapon Topical Term
atomic energy (nuclear energy) Topical Term
atomic war Topical Term
atrocities, war crimes Topical Term
ATTAC: Association pour la Taxation des Transactions financière et l'Aide aux Citoyen Corporate Name
attack Topical Term
Attica Geographic Name
attitudes Topical Term
Attlee, Clement Personal Name
Au Loong -yu Personal Name
AU: African Union Corporate Name
Aubonne Geographic Name
Audh Geographic Name
audit Topical Term
Audubon Society, Headquarters Manhattan Corporate Name
Auer, Ignaz Personal Name
Augier, Marie Personal Name
Augsburg Geographic Name
Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung Corporate Name
August Revolution (Indonesia, 1945) Topical Term
Augusti, Bertha Personal Name
Augustin, Ronald Personal Name
Augustinus of Hippo Personal Name
Auhagen, H. Personal Name
Aumente, José Personal Name
Aung San Personal Name
Auquier, Victor Personal Name
Aurangabad, Maharashtra Geographic Name
Auriol, Vincent Personal Name
Auschwitz Geographic Name
AUSS (Germany): Aktionszentrum Unabhängiger und Sozialistischer Schüler Corporate Name
Ausschuss zur Unterstützung deutscher politischer Flüchtlinge Corporate Name
Austerlitz, Friedrich Personal Name
Austin Geographic Name
Australian Peace Alliance (1914 - 1924) Corporate Name
Austria Geographic Name