Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  R 
Displaying 401 - 450 of 587

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Name Subject Type
Roheim, Geza Personal Name
Röhm, Ernst Julius Günther Personal Name
Rohrbach, Paul Personal Name
Roisenmann Family Name
Rojava Geographic Name
Rojtschwanz, Lasik Personal Name
Roland Holst-van der Schalk, Henriette Goverdine Anna Personal Name
Roland, Pauline Personal Name
Rolant, Michel Personal Name
Rolf, David Personal Name
Rolland, Romain Personal Name
Romagna Geographic Name
Romains, Jules Personal Name
Roman Catholic Church Corporate Name
roman catholic political party Topical Term
Roman empire Geographic Name
Romanenko, Alexander Personal Name
Romania Geographic Name
Romanones (count) Family Name
Romanov, I. R. Personal Name
romanticismo revolucionario Topical Term
Rome (Roma) Geographic Name
Romero, Carlos Humberto Personal Name
Romero, Oscar Arnulfo (archbishop) Personal Name
Romm, Vladimir G. Personal Name
Roodnat, Bas Personal Name
Roorda van Eysinga, Sicco Ernst Willem Personal Name
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Elliott Personal Name
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR) Personal Name
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Elihu Personal Name
Rorty, James Personal Name
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Corporate Name
Rosa Luxemburg Verlag Corporate Name
Rosa Meyer (Leviné, Broido) Personal Name
Rosario Guevara, María Personal Name
Rosas, Juan Manuel de Personal Name
Roscoe, Henry Enfield Personal Name
Rosdolsky, Roman Osipovich Personal Name
Rosenbaum, Marta Personal Name
Rosenberg, Alfred Ernst Personal Name
Rosenberg, Arthur Personal Name
Rosenfeld, Kurt Personal Name
Rosenholz, A. P. (Rosengolz) Personal Name
Rosenkranz, Johann Karl Friedrich Personal Name
Rosenmark, Raymond Personal Name
Rosenstein, Samuel Siegmund Personal Name
Rosenthal, Gérard Personal Name