Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  R 
Displaying 351 - 400 of 587

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Name Subject Type
RJ (Netherlands): Rode Jeugd Corporate Name
RJB (Netherlands): Revolutionaire Jeugd Bond Corporate Name
RK (Austria): Revolutionäre Kommunisten (1935 -) Corporate Name
RKD (GermanY): Revolutionäre Kommunisten Deutschlands Corporate Name
RKD-CR (France, Bordiguist) Corporate Name
RKG (Germany): Rote Kämpfer Gruppe Corporate Name
RKJV (Russia): Russische Kommunistische Jugendverband Corporate Name
RMI: Republik Maluku Selatan Corporate Name
RMS (Netherlands) Republik Maluku Selatan Corporate Name
RN (El Salvador): Resistencia Nacional (1975 - 1992) Corporate Name
Roanne Geographic Name
robbery Topical Term
Roberto, Holden Álvaro Personal Name
Roberts, Daniel Personal Name
Robeson, Paul Leroy Personal Name
Robespierre, Maximilien
Robin, Paul Personal Name
Robins, Harold Personal Name
Robins, Raymond Personal Name
Robinson, A. F. Personal Name
Robinson, Edward G. Personal Name
Robinson, Joan Personal Name
Robitnichi Vysti Corporate Name
Robrieux, Philippe Personal Name
Roca Sr., Julio Argentino Personal Name
Rocard, Michel
Rochambeau, Donatien-Marie-Joseph de Vimeur, vicomte de Personal Name
Rochdale (31 Toad Lane) Geographic Name
Rochet, Waldeck Personal Name
Rocker, Rudolf Personal Name
Rodbertus-Jagetzow, Johann Karl Personal Name
Rodchenko, Alexander Personal Name
Rode Hulp (Netherlands) Corporate Name
Röder, Gerda Personal Name
Rodin, François Auguste René Personal Name
Rodman, Selden Personal Name
Rodniki executive committee Corporate Name
Rodrigues, Olinde Personal Name
Rodríguez de Francia y Velasco, José Gaspar Personal Name
Rodríguez, Araujo, Octavio Personal Name
Rodríguez, Simón Personal Name
Rodzyanko Family Name
Roebers, J. H. E. Personal Name
Roebuck, John Arthur Personal Name
Röell, Joan Personal Name
Roemer, John Personal Name
Roghozhsko-Simonovsky Geographic Name
Rogier, Jan Personal Name
Rogov, M. I. Personal Name