platonism |
Topical Term |
Platonov, A. P. |
Personal Name |
Platten, Fritz |
Personal Name |
play |
Play, Frédéric De |
Personal Name |
plebeian |
Plehn, Hans |
Personal Name |
Plehve, von |
Family Name |
Plekhanov, Georgi Valentinovich (Beltow, The German, George, Kemenski, der Monist, der Veteran, X) |
Personal Name |
Plenge, Johann |
Personal Name |
Pletnyev, Dmitry. D. |
Personal Name |
Pleven, René |
Personal Name |
Plevitskaya, Nadezhda Vasilievna (Vinnikova) |
Personal Name |
Plissonnier, Gaston |
Personal Name |
Pliuchch, Leonid |
Personal Name |
PLO (Palestine): Palestine Liberation Organization (1964) |
Corporate Name |
Plockhoy, Pieter Corneliszoon |
Personal Name |
Ploeg, Frederick (Rick) van der |
Personal Name |
Plotínos (Πλωτῖνος) |
Personal Name |
Plotkin, Abraham |
Personal Name |
PLP (USA) Progressive Labor Party (1962-) |
Corporate Name |
PLR (France): Prolétaire Ligne Roiuge |
Corporate Name |
pluralism |
pluriversalism |
Topical Term |
Plútarchos of Chaironeia |
Personal Name |
Plymouth |
Geographic Name |
PMNL (Pakistan): |
Corporate Name |
Po (river) |
Geographic Name |
Poale Zion (Workers of Zion) 1901-1946 |
Corporate Name |
POAR (Syria): Parti ouvrier arabe révolutionnaire |
Corporate Name |
Podbelsky, V. N. |
Personal Name |
Podemos (Spain, 2014 -) |
Corporate Name |
poder popular |
Topical Term |
Podolsk |
Geographic Name |
Podvoisky, K. G. |
Personal Name |
Podvoisky, Nikolai Ilich |
Personal Name |
poet |
Topical Term |
poetry |
Genre/Form of material |
POF (France): Parti Ouvrier Français (1882 - 1902) |
Corporate Name |
pogroms |
Topical Term |
Pöhlmann, Robert von |
Personal Name |
Poincaré, Henri |
Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette |
Personal Name |
Poitiers |
Geographic Name |
Pokrovsk, Saratov Province |
Geographic Name |
Pokrovsky, Mikhail Nikolaevich (Domov) |
Personal Name |
Pokrovsky, S. |
Personal Name |
Pol Pot (Saloth Sar) |
Personal Name |
Polak, Henri |
Personal Name |
Poland |