Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  P 
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Name Subject Type
platonism Topical Term
Platonov, A. P. Personal Name
Platten, Fritz Personal Name
Play, Frédéric De Personal Name
Plehn, Hans Personal Name
Plehve, von Family Name
Plekhanov, Georgi Valentinovich (Beltow, The German, George, Kemenski, der Monist, der Veteran, X) Personal Name
Plenge, Johann Personal Name
Pletnyev, Dmitry. D. Personal Name
Pleven, René Personal Name
Plevitskaya, Nadezhda Vasilievna (Vinnikova) Personal Name
Plissonnier, Gaston Personal Name
Pliuchch, Leonid Personal Name
PLO (Palestine): Palestine Liberation Organization (1964) Corporate Name
Plockhoy, Pieter Corneliszoon Personal Name
Ploeg, Frederick (Rick) van der Personal Name
Plotínos (Πλωτῖνος) Personal Name
Plotkin, Abraham Personal Name
PLP (USA) Progressive Labor Party (1962-) Corporate Name
PLR (France): Prolétaire Ligne Roiuge Corporate Name
pluriversalism Topical Term
Plútarchos of Chaironeia Personal Name
Plymouth Geographic Name
PMNL (Pakistan): Corporate Name
Po (river) Geographic Name
Poale Zion (Workers of Zion) 1901-1946 Corporate Name
POAR (Syria): Parti ouvrier arabe révolutionnaire Corporate Name
Podbelsky, V. N. Personal Name
Podemos (Spain, 2014 -) Corporate Name
poder popular Topical Term
Podolsk Geographic Name
Podvoisky, K. G. Personal Name
Podvoisky, Nikolai Ilich Personal Name
poet Topical Term
poetry Genre/Form of material
POF (France): Parti Ouvrier Français (1882 - 1902) Corporate Name
pogroms Topical Term
Pöhlmann, Robert von Personal Name
Poincaré, Henri
Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Personal Name
Poitiers Geographic Name
Pokrovsk, Saratov Province Geographic Name
Pokrovsky, Mikhail Nikolaevich (Domov) Personal Name
Pokrovsky, S. Personal Name
Pol Pot (Saloth Sar) Personal Name
Polak, Henri Personal Name