Pfemfert, Franz |
Personal Name |
PFLOAG: People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arab Gulf (Oman) |
Corporate Name |
PFLP (Palestine); Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine |
Corporate Name |
Pfundtner, Johannes (Hans) |
Personal Name |
Pham Van Dong |
Phan Văn Chánh |
Personal Name |
Phan Văn Hùm |
Personal Name |
pharmaceuticals |
phenomena |
Topical Term |
phenomenology |
Philadelphia |
Geographic Name |
Philby, Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" |
Personal Name |
Philippines |
Philippovich, Eug. |
Personal Name |
Philips, Antoinette |
Personal Name |
Philips, Lion |
Personal Name |
Phillips curve |
Topical Term |
Phillips, Alban William Housego "A. W." "Bill" |
Personal Name |
Phillips, Wendell |
Personal Name |
philo-semitism |
Topical Term |
philology |
Topical Term |
Philopolis |
Family Name |
philosophy |
Phocion the Good of Athens (Φωκίων) |
Personal Name |
Phoenicia |
Geographic Name |
photocopy |
Genre/Form of material |
photocopy or hectography |
Genre/Form of material |
photographs |
physics |
physiocrats |
Topical Term |
physiology |
PI (Germany): Politically Incorrect |
Corporate Name |
Pi i Margall, Francesc |
Personal Name |
Pi y Margall, Francisco |
Personal Name |
Piaget, Jean |
Piatnitsky, Osip Aronovich (Albert, Piatnitsa) |
Personal Name |
Picabia, Francis |
Personal Name |
Picard, Edmond |
Personal Name |
Picard, Louis-Joseph-Ernest |
Personal Name |
Picardie |
Geographic Name |
Picasso, Pablo |
Personal Name |
Pickel, Richard Vitoldovich |
Personal Name |
picket |
Topical Term |
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni |
Personal Name |
piece wage |
Topical Term |
Pieck, Henri Christiaan (Han) |
Personal Name |
Pieck, Wilhelm |
Personal Name |
Piedmont (Piemonte) |
Geographic Name |
Piégard, Euphrasie |
Personal Name |
Piener |
Family Name |