Subjects Glossary

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Name Subject Type
Pfemfert, Franz Personal Name
PFLOAG: People's Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arab Gulf (Oman) Corporate Name
PFLP (Palestine); Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Corporate Name
Pfundtner, Johannes (Hans) Personal Name
Pham Van Dong
Phan Văn Chánh Personal Name
Phan Văn Hùm Personal Name
phenomena Topical Term
Philadelphia Geographic Name
Philby, Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Personal Name
Philippovich, Eug. Personal Name
Philips, Antoinette Personal Name
Philips, Lion Personal Name
Phillips curve Topical Term
Phillips, Alban William Housego "A. W." "Bill" Personal Name
Phillips, Wendell Personal Name
philo-semitism Topical Term
philology Topical Term
Philopolis Family Name
Phocion the Good of Athens (Φωκίων) Personal Name
Phoenicia Geographic Name
photocopy Genre/Form of material
photocopy or hectography Genre/Form of material
physiocrats Topical Term
PI (Germany): Politically Incorrect Corporate Name
Pi i Margall, Francesc Personal Name
Pi y Margall, Francisco Personal Name
Piaget, Jean
Piatnitsky, Osip Aronovich (Albert, Piatnitsa) Personal Name
Picabia, Francis Personal Name
Picard, Edmond Personal Name
Picard, Louis-Joseph-Ernest Personal Name
Picardie Geographic Name
Picasso, Pablo Personal Name
Pickel, Richard Vitoldovich Personal Name
picket Topical Term
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Personal Name
piece wage Topical Term
Pieck, Henri Christiaan (Han) Personal Name
Pieck, Wilhelm Personal Name
Piedmont (Piemonte) Geographic Name
Piégard, Euphrasie Personal Name
Piener Family Name