Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  L 
Displaying 401 - 450 of 623

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Name Subject Type
Limpopo Geographic Name
Lin Biao
Lin Xiling Personal Name
Lincoln, Abraham Personal Name
Lincoln, H.J. Personal Name
Lindbergh jr., Charles Personal Name
Lindbergh, Charles August (Carl Månsson) Personal Name
Lindemann, Hugo Personal Name
Lindheimer, B. Personal Name
Linggadjati (Linggajati) Geographic Name
Linguet, Simon-Nicolas-Henri Personal Name
linguistics Topical Term
Link, E. Personal Name
Linke Opposition der KPD (Bolschewiki-Leninisten) (Germany) Corporate Name
Lins Geographic Name
Linschoten, Robin Personal Name
Lippe Geographic Name
Lippelt, Helmut Personal Name
Lippmann, Walter Personal Name
Lipps, Theodor Personal Name
Lipsky, Leon Vikenti Personal Name
liquidationism Topical Term
Lisagaray, P.-O. Personal Name
Lisbon (Lisboa) Geographic Name
Liski Geographic Name
Lissabon Geographic Name
List, Georg Friedrich Personal Name
Líster Forján, Enrique Personal Name
Litkens, Y. A. Personal Name
Litorin, I. V. Personal Name
Litt, Theodor Personal Name
Little Crow Personal Name
Little, Frank Personal Name
Litvínov, Maxim Maximovich  (Felix; Papa) Personal Name
Liu Pin-yen Personal Name
Liu Qiang Personal Name
Liu Renjing (Liu Jen-Ching) Personal Name
Liu Shaoqi (Lieou Chao-k'i; Liu Shao-ch'i) Personal Name
Liu Xiabo Personal Name
Liverpool Geographic Name
livestock farming Topical Term
living conditions Topical Term
Livingstone, Kenneth Robert "Ken" Personal Name
Livius, Titus Personal Name
Livny Geographic Name
Livorno (Leghorn, Livourne) Geographic Name
Livshits, Iakov Abramovich Personal Name