liberal democracy |
Topical Term |
Liberal Party of South Africa |
Corporate Name |
liberal professions |
Topical Term |
liberal socialism |
Topical Term |
Liberale Unie (Netherlands, 1885 - 1921) |
Corporate Name |
liberalism |
liberalization |
Topical Term |
liberation |
liberation army |
Topical Term |
liberation struggle |
Personal Name |
liberation theology |
liberation war |
Topical Term |
Liberia |
Liberman, Yevsey G. |
Personal Name |
libertarianism |
Topical Term |
Liberté |
Corporate Name |
liberty |
Topical Term |
Liberty (publication) |
Corporate Name |
Topical Term |
library organisation |
Topical Term |
library section of the commissariat for education |
Corporate Name |
Libya |
Lichtheim, George |
Personal Name |
Lidia |
Personal Name |
Lie, Trygve Halvdan |
Personal Name |
Lieber, M. I. (Goldman) |
Personal Name |
Liebknecht (Familie) |
Family Name |
Liebknecht, Karl |
Liebknecht, Nathalie |
Personal Name |
Liebknecht, Sonia |
Personal Name |
Liebknecht, Sophie |
Personal Name |
Liebknecht, Wilhelm |
Personal Name |
Liebman, Marcel |
Personal Name |
Liefmann, Robert |
Personal Name |
Liège (Luik) |
Geographic Name |
Lierde, Jean van |
Personal Name |
life |
Topical Term |
Life (periodical) |
Corporate Name |
Lifshits, Yakob A. |
Personal Name |
Liga (Belgium): Ligue socialiste internationale contre la guerre |
Corporate Name |
Liga der Verbündeten (China) |
Corporate Name |
Ligachyov, Yegor Kuzmich |
Personal Name |
Ligue communiste (France) (LC, 1930 - ca. 1936?) |
Corporate Name |
Likhachov, V. M. |
Personal Name |
Lilburne, John |
Personal Name |
Lilina, Zinaida Y. |
Personal Name |
Lille |
Geographic Name |
Lima |
Geographic Name |
Limmat-Verlag |
Corporate Name |
Limoges |
Geographic Name |