The Invisible Government |
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The Iranian Communist Movement under the Comintern: a sketch, 1919 - 1943 |
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The Iranian Revolution Four Years after the February 1979 Insurrection. The Crisis of the Iranian Revolution. The Perspectives for Revolutionists in Iran Today |
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The Iranian Revolution turns thirty |
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The Iranian Revolution, and the Dangers That Threaten ItUnderstanding the Iranian Revolution |
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The Iranian Working Class. A Survey of Conditions, Repression and Struggles |
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The Irish Free State and British Imperialism |
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The Iron Heel |
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The Irregular Movement of History. The Marxist Law of the Combined and Uneven Development of Society |
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The Israeli Connection. Who Israel Arms and Why |
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The Israeli Dilemma. A Debate between Two Left-Wing Jews. Letters |
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The Israeli Left. History, Problems, Documents |
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The Issues at Stake. Theory and Practice in the Contemporary Women's Movement in India |
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The Italian Communist Left 1926-45. A contribution to the history of the revolutionary movement |
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The Italian Communist Party. The Crisis of Popular Front Strategy |
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The Italian Road to Sociaism. ... |
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The Italian Road to Socialism: An Interview by Eric Hobsbawm with Giorgio Napolitano |
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The IWW. A Study of American Syndicalism |
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The Japan Reader 2. Postwar Japan: 1945 to the Present |
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The Japanese Labor Movement--Gasping for Refreshment |
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The Japanese Party System. From One-Party Rule to Coalition Government |
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The Jewish People. Their History and their Religion |
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The Jewish Question. A Marxist Interpretation |
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The Job Crisis: A New Challenge for the Unions |
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The Juggernauts. The Age of the Big Corporation |
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The Junius Pamphlet. The Crisis In The German Social Democracy (February-April 1915) |
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The Junius Pamphlet. The Crisis In The German Social Democracy (February-April 1915) |
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The Junius Pamphlet. The Crisis In The German Social Democracy (February-April 1915) |
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The K / V Papers. The Arms Scandal to End It All |
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The Kakehashi |
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The Killing Fields of Bosnia |
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The Kitchen God's Wife |
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The Korean Frontier in America. Immigration to Hawaii, 1896-1910 |
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The Kremlin and the Prague Spring |
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The Kronstadt Rebellion in the Soviet Union 1921 |
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The Kronstadt uprising, 1921 |
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