The Failed promise of Nuclear Power. The Story of Light Water |
Book |
The Fall of Yugoslavia |
Book |
The Family in Asia |
Book |
The Family in History |
Book |
The Family in India. A Regional View |
Book |
The Family in the Capitalist Crisis. Why Does It Survive, and Is There an Alternative? |
Book |
The Family in Transition. Its Past, Present and Future Patterns |
Book |
The Family: Revolutionary or Oppressive Force? |
Book |
The Fataful Alliance. France, Russia, and the Coming of the First World War |
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The Fate of Marxism |
Book |
The Fate Of The Forest. Developers, Destroyers and Defenders of the Amazon |
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The Fate of the Jews. A People torn between Israeli Power and Jewish Ethics |
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The Fear of Freedom |
Book |
The Fear That Feminism Will Free Men First |
Book |
The Fed. A History of the South Wales Miners in the Twentieth Century |
Book |
The Federal Experiment in Ethiopia. A Socio-Political Analysis |
Book |
The Federal Reserve System |
Book |
The Federalist |
Author |
The Female Eunuch |
Book |
The Female Eunuch |
Book |
The Female World from a Global Perspective. Prolegomena and Part Two (chapters 3-6) only |
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The Feminine Mystique |
Book |
The Feminine Mystique |
Book |
The Feminist Challenge. The Movement for Women's Liberation in Britain and the USA |
Book |
The Feminist Movement (Italy) |
Author |
The feminist movement and the gay movement |
Book |
The Feminist Papers: From Adams to de Beauvoir |
Book |
The Feminists |
Book |
The Fetish of Geopolitics |
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The FI and the USSR. Theses of the Fourth International |
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The Fifgt Against Racism In Our Schools. Puerto Rican, Black and Chinese Community Control in New York City |
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The Fight Against Fascism in the USA. Forty Years of Struggle Described by Participants |
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The Fight Against Racism |
Book |
The Fight for Marxism |
Book |
The Fight For Union Democracy In Steel |
Book |
The Filipino People's Struggle for Independence and Democracy. Philippine Situationer and the NDF Program |
Book |