Karl Marx' Ökonomische Lehren. Gemeinverständlich dargestellt und erläutert |
Book |
Karl Marx's Theory of History. A Defence. |
Book |
Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution |
Collection |
Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution. Vol. 1: State and Bureaucracy |
Book |
Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution. Vol. 2: The Politics of Social Classes |
Book |
Karl Marx, 1818-1883 |
Book |
Karl Marx, 1883-1983 |
Book |
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works |
Collection |
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 1: Karl Marx: 1835 - 43 |
Book |
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 2: Frederick Engels: 1838 - 42 |
Book |
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 3: Marx and Engels: 1843 - 1844 |
Book |
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 4: Marx and Engels: 1844 - 45 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 5: Marx and Engels: 1845 - 47 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 6: Marx and Engels: 1845 - 48 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 7: Marx and Engels: 1848 |
Book |
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 8: Marx and Engels: 1848 - 49 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 9: Marx and Engels: 1849 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 10: Marx and Engels: 1849 - 51 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 11: Marx and Engels: 1851 - 53 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 12: Marx and Engels: 1853 - 54 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 13: Marx and Engels: 1854 - 55 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 14: Marx and Engels: 1855 - 56 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 16: Marx and Engels: 1858 - 60 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 17: Marx and Engels: 1859 - 60 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 18: Marx and Engels: 1859 - 60 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 19: Marx and Engels: 1861 - 64 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 38: Marx and Engels: 1844 - 51 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 39: Marx and Engels: 1852 - 55 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol 40: Marx and Engels: 1856 - 59 |
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Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Selected Works in One Volume |
Book |
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Selected Works in three volumes. Correspondance |
Book |
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Selected Works in three volumes. Volume 1 |
Book |
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Selected Works in three volumes. Volume 2 |
Book |
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Selected Works in three volumes. Volume 3 |
Book |
Karl Marx, les voleurs de bois et le droit des pauvres |
Book |
Karl Marx- OEuvres choisies |
Collection |