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A propos des événements de Kosovo Book
A propos du materialisme historique Book
A propósito de la caída de Lin Piao Book
A propósito de: 'Revolución en la revolución' Book
A próposito del caracter predominantemente capitalista de la econmía peruana actual (1960-1970) Book
A Pueblo Homosexuality. Book
A Pyrrhic Military Victory and a Profound Moral Defeat Book
A questão dos sindicatos Book
A Question of Coalitions. A Scan of Themes in Coalition-Building Book
A Question of Solidarity. Independent Trade Unions in South Africa Book
A qui appartient Paris ? Book
A qui profitent toutes les richesses du peuple congolais?  Pour un audit de la dette congolaise Book
A quoi sert l'université ? Une université, ses étudiants et le marché de l'emploi Book
A radical voice from Palestine. Book
A Rational Decision Making Approach to Abusive Relationships Book
A Rebel in Cuba. An American's Memoir Book
A revolução desfigurada.  A Falsificação Estalinista da História Book
A Revolução Permanente na Rússia Book
A revolução portugesa. O passado e o futuro. Relatório aprovado pelo CC do PCP para o VIII Congresso Book
A revolução proletária e o renegado Kautsky Book
A Revolução Russa Book
A revolução traída Book
A revolution Within Capitalism Requires One Wthin Trade Unionism: For A New Social Unionism Book
A Revolutionary Criticism of the Theses of the Moscow Conference Book
A revolutionary strategy for gay liberation Book
A Revolutionary Strategy for the 70s. Documents of the Socialist Workers Party Book
A Satanic Affair. Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam Book
A Savage War of Peace. Algeria 1954-1962 Book
A Seventh Man. A book of images and words about the experience of Migrant Workers in Europe Book
A Short Economic History of the USSR Book
A Short History of China. From Earliest Times to 1840 Book
A Short History of Socialism Book
A Short History of Socialist Economic Thought Book
A Short History of the European Working Class Book
A Short History of the French Revolution 1789 - 1799 Book
A short History of the Labour Party Book