'Les murs ont la parole'. Journal mural mai 68. Sorbonne, Odéon, Nanterre, etc. |
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'Let Us Die Fighting.' The Struggle of the Herero and Nama Against German Imperialism (1884 - 1915) |
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'Lutte ouvrière' et la révolution mondiale |
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'Lutte ouvrière' ou la ' tendance prolétarienne' |
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'Manifeste de septembre' |
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'Meat Works Are for Women Too' |
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'More Freedom' or 'More Harmony'? Henriette Roland Holst, Jacques Engels and the Influence of Class and Gender on Socialists' Sexual Attitudes |
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'My Life Is One Long Struggle' Women, Work, Organisation & Struggle |
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'Not One Man! Not One Penny!' German Social-Democracy, 1863-1914 |
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'Ocho tésis equivocadas'. Discurso |
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'Officials' Turn Against Their Own Past |
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'Oprimidos pero no vencidos'. Luchas del campesinado aymara y quechua 1900-1980 |
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'Our Code of Morals Is Our Revolution' |
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'Pau de arara'. La violence militaire au Brésil |
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'Peripheral' Labour? Studies in the History of Partial Proletarization |
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'Playing for Time' |
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'Poder copular' fights Mexico AIDS |
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'Polish Democracy Is a Masculine Democracy' |
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'Popular' Movements and 'Middle Class' Leadership in Late Colonial India: Perspectives and Problems of a 'History from Below' |
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'Queer Theory' versus Heterosexual Hegemony: Towards a Historical Materialism for Queers |
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'Right to Life' Versus Women: Religious Fundamentalism in Poland |
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'Sans papiers, ... mais nullement clandestins!' Articles parus dans 'Rouge' du 21 mars au 1er août 1996 |
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'Science without Conscience.' Moral Order and Symbolic Violence |
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'Ser obrero es algo relativo...' Obreros, clasismo y política |
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'Si me permiten hablar...' Testimonio de Domitila, una mujer de las minas de Bolivia |
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'Sur le jeune Marx'. Questions de théorie |
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'The Housewife and her Labour under Capitalism'--a Critique |
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'The Militant Democracy.' Joseph Cowen and Victorian Radicalism |
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'The Name of the Chamber Was Peace' |
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'The Revolutionary Reconquest of Ireland' |
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'The Workers Themselves'. Revolutionary Syndicalism and International Labour, 1913-1923 |
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'Them'. Stalin's Polish Pupets |
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'Théories' et pratiques des révisionnistes modernes. |
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'There ain't no black in the Union Jack' The cultural politics of race and nation |
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'This Bright Day Of Summer'. The Peasants' Revolt Of 1381 |
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'Truth is on the March'. Report and Remarks on the Trotsky hearings in Mexico. |
Book |