Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  Y 
Displaying 51 - 84 of 84

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Name Subject Type
Yezhov, Nicolai Ivanovich Personal Name
Ykslagor Corporate Name
Yonne (rivière) Geographic Name
Yonov, I. I. Personal Name
Yorkshire Geographic Name
Youlou, Fulbert Personal Name
young (left) hegelians Topical Term
Young, Owen Daniel Personal Name
youth movement Topical Term
YPG (Kurdistan): Yekineyên Parastina Gel Corporate Name
YPJ (Kurdistan): Yekineyên Parastina Jinê (2013 - ) Corporate Name
YPS-Jin (Kurdistan): Yekîneyên Parastina Sivîl (2015 -) Corporate Name
YPSL (USA): Young People's Socialist League (1907 - 1954) Corporate Name
Yrigoyen, Juan Hipólito del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Personal Name
YSL (USA) Young Socialist League Corporate Name
Yuan Shikai Personal Name
Yuch-Bunar Geographic Name
Yudenich, N. N. Personal Name
Yudin, Rafail (Savarov (?)) Personal Name
Yugo-Soviet split
Yumagulov, H. Y. Personal Name
Yunnan Geographic Name
Yunusov, Kusibai Personal Name
Yurenev, K. K. Personal Name
Yuriev, A. M. Personal Name
Yurkevich, P. D. Personal Name
Yurovsky, Y. M. Personal Name
Yuryev, Alexei M. Personal Name
Yushkevich, Pawel Personal Name
Yuzhakow, S. N. Personal Name
Yuzhny Rabochy Corporate Name
YWL (YSA): Young Workers League Corporate Name