Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  W 
Displaying 151 - 200 of 371

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Name Subject Type
Westphalia Geographic Name
Wetter Geographic Name
Wetzlar Geographic Name
WEU: Western European Union (1954 - 2011) Topical Term
Weydemeyer, Joseph Personal Name
WFDY: World Federation of Democratic Youth Corporate Name
WFM (USA, Canada): Western Federation of Miners (1893-1993) Corporate Name
WFTU: World Federation of Trade Unions (FSM) Corporate Name
wheat Topical Term
Wheelock, Jaime
white collar workers Occupation
White House Geographic Name
white movement (Russia) Topical Term
white terror Topical Term
White, James D. Personal Name
Whitehall Geographic Name
whites (light-skinned people) Topical Term
whole world Topical Term
wholesale Topical Term
Wiatrek, Heinrich Personal Name
WIDF: Women's International Democratic Federation Corporate Name
Widick, B. J. Personal Name
Widjanarko Report Topical Term
Wiede, Franz Personal Name
Wiegand, Karl Personal Name
Wiehe, Johann Friedrich Personal Name
Wien (Vienna, Vienne) Geographic Name
Wien-Döbling Geographic Name
Wien-Ottakring Geographic Name
Wiener Neustadt Geographic Name
Wiesbaden Geographic Name
Wiesen, F. Personal Name
Wigan Geographic Name
Wigand, Karl Personal Name
Wigny, Pierre Personal Name
Wijk aan Zee Geographic Name
Wijnberg, Nicolaas Personal Name
Wijnkoop, David J. Personal Name
Wijnkoop, Eddie Personal Name
Wilcken, Patrick Personal Name
Wild West Geographic Name
Wilde, Arthur Personal Name
Wilde, Oscar
Wilders, Geert Personal Name
Wiles, Peter Personal Name
Wilhelm II. (Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Preußen) Personal Name
Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria (der Nederlanden) Personal Name
Wilkes, John Personal Name
William Mahoney Personal Name
William, D. G. Personal Name