Tanzania (Tanganyika, Zanzibar) |
Geographic Name |
Tao Hsin-chi |
Personal Name |
Tao Zhu 陶铸 |
Personal Name |
Taos |
Geographic Name |
Taraki, Nur Muhammad |
Personal Name |
Tarasov-Rodionov, Alexander Ignatievich |
Personal Name |
Taratuta, Victor Konstantinovich (Sergeyev, V, Viktor) |
Personal Name |
Tardieu, André |
Personal Name |
Tariq, Farook |
Personal Name |
Tarn-et-Garonne |
Geographic Name |
Tarnow |
Geographic Name |
Tarusa |
Geographic Name |
Tasca, Angelo |
Personal Name |
Tashkent |
Geographic Name |
tasks |
Topical Term |
Tasmania (Van Diemensland) |
Geographic Name |
TASS: Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union |
Corporate Name |
Tatar Republics |
Tatar, Stanislaw |
Personal Name |
Tătărescu, Gheorghe I. |
Personal Name |
Tatarstan |
Geographic Name |
Tate, Ernest |
Personal Name |
Taurinya |
Family Name |
tawantinsuyo religion |
Topical Term |
Tawney, Richard Henry "Harry" |
Personal Name |
Tax in kind |
Topical Term |
taxation, taxes, tariffs |
Topical Term |
Taylor Mill, Harriet |
Personal Name |
Taylor, Frederick Winslow (scientific management) |
Personal Name |
Taylor, James |
Personal Name |
Taylor, Sedley |
Personal Name |
Tayug |
Geographic Name |
Tbilisi (Tiflis) |
Geographic Name |
Tchaikovsky, Nikolai Vasilyevich |
Personal Name |
Tchen Tou-siëou |
Personal Name |
Tchórzewsky, Stanislaw |
Personal Name |
Te Mechelen, Charles Henricus |
Personal Name |
tea |
Topical Term |
Tea Party movement (USA) |
Corporate Name |
teach-in |
Topical Term |
teacher |
teachers of Tver gubernia |
Corporate Name |
technical committee of the economic council of the northern area |
Corporate Name |
technicians |
Occupation |
technology |
technology appropriate |
Techow, Gustav Adolf |
Personal Name |
Teheran |
Geographic Name |
Teissier, Georges |
Personal Name |
Teixeira, Anísio |
Personal Name |