Subjects Glossary

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Name Subject Type
Spanish civil war (1936 - 1939) Topical Term
Sparnaay, Marie Personal Name
Sparr, Berthold Personal Name
Sparta (Sparti) Geographic Name
Spartacus (revue français) Corporate Name
spatial planning Topical Term
Spaventa, Silvio Personal Name
SPCA (USA): Socialist Party of California Corporate Name
SPCC (South Africa): Soweto Parents' Crisis Committee Corporate Name
SPCPD (Philippines): Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development Corporate Name
SPD (Germany): Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1875 -) Corporate Name
special training Topical Term
Spectator Corporate Name
Spector, Maurice Personal Name
speculation Topical Term
speech, lecture Genre/Form of material
Speer, Albert
Speer, Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Personal Name
Spelucín Vega, Alcides Alejandro Personal Name
Spencer, Herbert Personal Name
Spencer-Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Personal Name
Spenerschen Zeitung Corporate Name
Spengler, Oswald Personal Name
Speyer, Carl Personal Name
Speziallager Nr. 1 Mühlberg Geographic Name
SPGB (Britain, 1904) Socialist Party of Great Britain Corporate Name
spices Topical Term
Spicker, Gideon Personal Name
Spiegel, Rae Personal Name
Spiegler, Heinrich Personal Name
Spiekman, H. Personal Name
Spies, August Personal Name
Spiethoff, A. Personal Name
Spinoza, Baruch (Benedict de Spinoza) Personal Name
Spiridonova, Maria A. Personal Name
Spitz-Heybey, Mia Personal Name
split, schism Topical Term
SPÖ (Austria): Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs (1889 -) (SDAP; Sozialistische Partei Öst.) Corporate Name
spontaneity, spontaneism Topical Term
Spree Geographic Name
Springer Verlag Corporate Name
spritism Topical Term
Spurrell, Samuel Personal Name
SPUSA: Socialist Party of the United States (1973 - ) Corporate Name
Squarcialupi, Vera Liliana Personal Name
squatters Topical Term
Sraffa, Piero