Spanish civil war (1936 - 1939) |
Topical Term |
Sparnaay, Marie |
Personal Name |
Sparr, Berthold |
Personal Name |
Sparta (Sparti) |
Geographic Name |
Spartacus (revue français) |
Corporate Name |
spatial planning |
Topical Term |
Spaventa, Silvio |
Personal Name |
SPCA (USA): Socialist Party of California |
Corporate Name |
SPCC (South Africa): Soweto Parents' Crisis Committee |
Corporate Name |
SPCPD (Philippines): Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development |
Corporate Name |
SPD (Germany): Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (1875 -) |
Corporate Name |
special training |
Topical Term |
Spectator |
Corporate Name |
Spector, Maurice |
Personal Name |
speculation |
Topical Term |
speech, lecture |
Genre/Form of material |
Speer, Albert |
Speer, Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert |
Personal Name |
Spelucín Vega, Alcides Alejandro |
Personal Name |
Spencer, Herbert |
Personal Name |
Spencer-Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard |
Personal Name |
Spenerschen Zeitung |
Corporate Name |
Spengler, Oswald |
Personal Name |
Speyer, Carl |
Personal Name |
Speziallager Nr. 1 Mühlberg |
Geographic Name |
SPGB (Britain, 1904) Socialist Party of Great Britain |
Corporate Name |
spices |
Topical Term |
Spicker, Gideon |
Personal Name |
Spiegel, Rae |
Personal Name |
Spiegler, Heinrich |
Personal Name |
Spiekman, H. |
Personal Name |
Spies, August |
Personal Name |
Spiethoff, A. |
Personal Name |
Spinoza, Baruch (Benedict de Spinoza) |
Personal Name |
Spiridonova, Maria A. |
Personal Name |
spirituality |
Spitz-Heybey, Mia |
Personal Name |
split, schism |
Topical Term |
SPÖ (Austria): Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs (1889 -) (SDAP; Sozialistische Partei Öst.) |
Corporate Name |
spontaneity, spontaneism |
Topical Term |
sport |
Spree |
Geographic Name |
Springer Verlag |
Corporate Name |
spritism |
Topical Term |
Spurrell, Samuel |
Personal Name |
SPUSA: Socialist Party of the United States (1973 - ) |
Corporate Name |
Squarcialupi, Vera Liliana |
Personal Name |
squat |
squatters |
Topical Term |
Sraffa, Piero |