Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  N 
Displaying 101 - 150 of 417

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Name Subject Type
Navarre (Navarra; Nafarroa) Geographic Name
Navarrete, Francisco Personal Name
Navarro Monzó, Julio Personal Name
navigation Topical Term
Naville, Denise (Denise Kahn) Personal Name
Naville, Pierre
navy Topical Term
Naxalbari Geographic Name
Nayler (Nyler, Naylor), James Personal Name
Nazarenus, S. P. Personal Name
NBAS (Netherlands): Nederlandse Bond van Abstinent Studerenden Corporate Name
NCB (Britain): National Coal Board Corporate Name
ND Movement (Philippines): National Democratic Movement (1968 - 1992) Corporate Name
NDF (Philippines): National Democratic Front Corporate Name
NDFLOAG: National Democratic Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arab Gulf (Oman) Corporate Name
NDP (Canada): New Democratic Party (1961) Corporate Name
Ne Win Personal Name
Nearing, Scott Personal Name
Nebenführ Family Name
NECC (South Africa): National Education Crisis Committee Corporate Name
necessity Topical Term
Nechayev (Nechaev), Sergey Gennadiyevich Personal Name
Necker, Jacques Personal Name
Ned Lud (Ludd) Personal Name
Nederlandsch Wetenschappelijk Humanitair Komitee (1911 - 1940)(Netherlands) Corporate Name
Nederlandse Volksbeweging Corporate Name
needs (Bedürfnisse, besoins) Topical Term
negation Topical Term
Negeri Sembilan Geographic Name
Negos, Danilo Personal Name
Negri, Antonio "Toni" Personal Name
Negrín y López, Juan Personal Name
negro conference Topical Term
negro lower class Topical Term
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Neisse (Lusatian Neisse) Geographic Name
Nelissen, A. P. L. Personal Name
Nelson, Leonard Personal Name
Nemchinov, Vasily Sergeevich Personal Name
Němec, Antonín Personal Name
Nemo Personal Name
Nemo, Philippe Personal Name
Nendaka, Victor Personal Name
Nenni, Pietro Personal Name
neo-capitalism Topical Term
neo-classical economics Topical Term
neo-colonialism Topical Term
neo-conservatism Topical Term
neo-corporatism Topical Term