malthusianism |
Topical Term |
Malvinas Islands (Falkland Island, Sebald Islands) |
Geographic Name |
Malyshev, S. V. |
Personal Name |
Malzahn, Heinrich |
Personal Name |
Mamontov, Konstantin K. |
Personal Name |
MAN (Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg) |
Corporate Name |
Man, Hendrik de |
Personal Name |
management |
management of the Yuzhsk factory |
Corporate Name |
management participatory |
manager of the people's bank |
Function |
managers |
Topical Term |
Managua |
Geographic Name |
Manahan, Jacinto |
Personal Name |
Manche |
Personal Name |
Manchester |
Geographic Name |
Manchester Guardian |
Corporate Name |
Manchuria |
mandate (commission) |
Topical Term |
mandate (League of Nations) |
Topical Term |
Mandel, Ernest |
Personal Name |
Mandela, Nelson |
Mandela, Winnie |
Mandelbrot, Benoit B. |
Personal Name |
Mandeville, Bernard |
Personal Name |
Manfred Stern (General Kleber, Moishe Stern, Emilio Kléber, Lazar Stern, Mark Zilbert) |
Personal Name |
Mangan, Sherry (Terence Phelan) |
Personal Name |
manganese oxide, MnO2, pyrolusite |
Topical Term |
Mangope, Lucas |
Personal Name |
Manhattan |
Geographic Name |
manifesto |
Genre/Form of material |
Manila |
Geographic Name |
manipulation theory |
Topical Term |
Manley, Michael Norman |
Personal Name |
Mann, Luiz (Ludwig) Heinrich |
Personal Name |
Mann, Paul Thomas |
Personal Name |
Mann, Thomas |
Personal Name |
Manner, Kullervo |
Personal Name |
Mannheim |
Geographic Name |
Mannheim, Karl |
Mannoury, Gerrit |
Personal Name |
Mano Negra (Spain) |
Corporate Name |
Manouchian, Missak |
Personal Name |
Manrique, Jorge |
Personal Name |
Mansholt |
Personal Name |
Mansholt, Sicco |
Personal Name |
Manteuffel, Otto Theodor, Freiherr von |
Personal Name |
Mantsev, V. N. |
Personal Name |
Manucharyants, Sch. M. |
Personal Name |
Manuel, Richard |
Personal Name |