Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  M 
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Name Subject Type
malthusianism Topical Term
Malvinas Islands (Falkland Island, Sebald Islands) Geographic Name
Malyshev, S. V. Personal Name
Malzahn, Heinrich Personal Name
Mamontov, Konstantin K. Personal Name
MAN (Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg) Corporate Name
Man, Hendrik de Personal Name
management of the Yuzhsk factory Corporate Name
management participatory
manager of the people's bank Function
managers Topical Term
Managua Geographic Name
Manahan, Jacinto Personal Name
Manche Personal Name
Manchester Geographic Name
Manchester Guardian Corporate Name
mandate (commission) Topical Term
mandate (League of Nations) Topical Term
Mandel, Ernest Personal Name
Mandela, Nelson
Mandela, Winnie
Mandelbrot, Benoit B. Personal Name
Mandeville, Bernard Personal Name
Manfred Stern (General Kleber, Moishe Stern, Emilio Kléber, Lazar Stern, Mark Zilbert) Personal Name
Mangan, Sherry (Terence Phelan) Personal Name
manganese oxide, MnO2, pyrolusite Topical Term
Mangope, Lucas Personal Name
Manhattan Geographic Name
manifesto Genre/Form of material
Manila Geographic Name
manipulation theory Topical Term
Manley, Michael Norman Personal Name
Mann, Luiz (Ludwig) Heinrich Personal Name
Mann, Paul Thomas Personal Name
Mann, Thomas Personal Name
Manner, Kullervo Personal Name
Mannheim Geographic Name
Mannheim, Karl
Mannoury, Gerrit Personal Name
Mano Negra (Spain) Corporate Name
Manouchian, Missak Personal Name
Manrique, Jorge Personal Name
Mansholt Personal Name
Mansholt, Sicco Personal Name
Manteuffel, Otto Theodor, Freiherr von Personal Name
Mantsev, V. N. Personal Name
Manucharyants, Sch. M. Personal Name
Manuel, Richard Personal Name