Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  M 
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Name Subject Type
Misselden, Edward Personal Name
missionaries Topical Term
Mississippi Geographic Name
Mistral, Gabriela Personal Name
Mitchell, John Personal Name
Mitchell, Juliet
Mitrione, Daniel Anthony Personal Name
Mitscherlich, Alexander Harbord Personal Name
Mitskevich Kapsukas, Vikenti S. Personal Name
Mitskevich, V. S. Personal Name
Mittelgruppe der KPD (1924 - 1928) Corporate Name
Mitterrand, François Personal Name
mixed economy Topical Term
MKP (Hungary): Magyar Kommunista Párt (1918 - 1948) Corporate Name
Mkwavinyika Munyigumba Mwamuyinga (Mkwawa) Personal Name
ML (Spain): Movimiento Libertario Corporate Name
MLL-front (Netherlands): Marx-Lenin-Luxemburgfront (Het Derde Front) Corporate Name
MLN-T (Uruguay); Movimiento de Liberación Nacional-Tupamaros Corporate Name
MMM/PSM (Mauritius): Mouvement Militant Mauricien/Parti Socialiste Mauricien Corporate Name
MMP (Hungary): Magyarországi Munkáspárt (1919 - 1922) (Magyar Munkások Országos Pártja) Corporate Name
MNA (Algeria): Mouvement national algérien Corporate Name
Mňačko, Ladislav Personal Name
MNLF (Philippines): Moro National Liberation Front Corporate Name
MNR (Bolivia): Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario Corporate Name
MNR (EL Salvador) Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario Corporate Name
mobilisation Topical Term
mobs Topical Term
Mobutu, Sese Seko (Joseph Desiré) Personal Name
models Topical Term
moderates Topical Term
modern industry Topical Term
Modern Monthly Corporate Name
modern time (ca. 1500 - 1950) Date
modernism Topical Term
modernity Topical Term
modes of production Topical Term
Modzelewski, Karol
Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur Personal Name
Mogilev Geographic Name
Mohan, Rajneesh Chandra (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Osho) Personal Name
Mohave Topical Term
Mohrhenn Family Name
Möhring, Hermann Personal Name
MOI (France): Main d'oeuvre Ouvrière Immigrée Corporate Name
Moi, Daniel arap Personal Name
Moiseyev, Y. I. Personal Name
Moissaye J Olgin Personal Name
Moldova (Moldavia, Bessarabia) Geographic Name
Molen, Gezina van der Personal Name