Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  K 
Displaying 401 - 450 of 502

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Name Subject Type
Kraus, Bernhard Personal Name
Kraus, Tomas Personal Name
Kravchenko, Victor Andreevich Personal Name
Krawtschinskaja (Stepniak), Fanny Markowna Personal Name
Krawtschinski (Stepniak), Sergej Michailowitsch Personal Name
Krebs, Richard Personal Name
Krefeld Geographic Name
Kreisky, Bruno
Kremenchug Geographic Name
Krementsov, Nikolai Personal Name
Kremer, A. I.  (Alexander) Personal Name
Kremlin Topical Term
Kremlin Process Topical Term
Krestinsky, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1883 - 1938) Personal Name
Krestintern (Red Peasant International) (1923 - 1939) Corporate Name
Kreuzberg Geographic Name
KRG (Irak, Kurdistan): Kurdish Regional Government Corporate Name
Krieck, Ernst Personal Name
Kriege, Herman Personal Name
Krikler, Jeremy Personal Name
Krikorian, Gaëlle Personal Name
Krilenko, N. V. Personal Name
Krim Geographic Name
Krim, Belkacem Personal Name
Krim, Mohammed Abd el- Personal Name
Kristallnacht Topical Term
Kristan, Etbin Personal Name
Kristeva, Julia
Kritschewski, Boris Naumowitsch Personal Name
Kritsman, L. N. Personal Name
Krivenko, Sergey Nikolayevich Personal Name
Krivitsky, Walter Personal Name
Kroch, Ernesto Personal Name
Krokhmal, Victor Nikolaevich (der Schöne; Zagorsky; Krasavetz) Personal Name
Kroner, Richard Personal Name
Krones, Hilde Personal Name
Kronstadt Geographic Name
Kropotkin, Pyotr Alexeyevich Personal Name
Kroton (Crotone) Geographic Name
KrU: Kritische Universteit Topical Term
Kruchinsky, M. A. Personal Name
Kruchkov, P. P. Personal Name
Kruithof, J. Personal Name
Kruk, Josef Personal Name
Krumin, G. I. Personal Name
Krummacher, F. W. Personal Name
Krupnov, S. I. Personal Name
Krupp Family Name
Krupp conglomerate (1881 - 1999) Corporate Name
Krupskaya, Nadezhda Konstantinova (N. K. Ulyanova, N.K., Nadja, Scharko) Personal Name