Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  H 
Displaying 351 - 400 of 447

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Name Subject Type
Horkheimer, Max
Horn of Africa
Horner, Matina Personal Name
Horney, Karen Personal Name
Horowitz, David Personal Name
hostages Topical Term
Hôtel Lux Corporate Name
Hourwich, Isaac A. Personal Name
household duties Topical Term
housewife Topical Term
Houtart, François Personal Name
Houten, Samuel van Personal Name
Howard, Roy Personal Name
Howat, Alex Personal Name
Howe, Irving
Howell, George Personal Name
Howie, Fraser J. T. Personal Name
Hoxha, Enver Personal Name
Hrasche, Ivan Yôsifovich Personal Name
Hrynewiecki, Ignacy (Ignaty Ioakhimovich Grinevitsky, Kotik) Personal Name
Hsiao Hung Personal Name
Hsu Mei-ling Personal Name
Hsu Shu-cheng Personal Name
HSV (Germany): Hauptabteilung Soziale Verwaltung Topical Term
HTDF (Netherlands): Hollanda Türk Dernekleri Federasyonu Corporate Name
HTI (Iran): Hezb-i Tudeh-yi Iran Corporate Name
HTIKB (Netherlands): Hollanda Türk Islam Kuruluşları Birliği Corporate Name
Hu Yaobang Personal Name
Hua Guofeng
HUAC (USA): House Un-American Activities Committee (Dies Committee) Corporate Name
Huard, Charlie Personal Name
Hubble, Edwin Powell Personal Name
Huber Victor Aimé Personal Name
Hubert, Adolphe Personal Name
Hubert, Lucien Personal Name
Hübner, Andreas Personal Name
Hübner, Otto Personal Name
Hübner. Nico Personal Name
Huế Geographic Name
Huerta, Victoriano
Huesca Geographic Name
Huet, François Personal Name
Hugenberg, Alfred Ernst Christian Alexander Personal Name
Hughes, Alice Personal Name
Hughes, Emrys Personal Name
Hughes, Jonathan Personal Name
Hughes, Olwyn Personal Name
Hugo, Victor-Marie Personal Name
Hugues, Jean-Baptiste Victor Personal Name