Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  F 
Displaying 251 - 300 of 506

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Name Subject Type
Fischer, Richard Personal Name
Fischer, Ruth (Dubois, Elfriede Eisler, Elfriede Friedländer) Personal Name
fish, fishing Topical Term
Fisheljow Family Name
Fisk, Milton Personal Name
Fit Family Name
Fiterman, Charles Personal Name
Fitzgerald, Charles Personal Name
Fiume (Rijeka) Geographic Name
five year plan Topical Term
fixes Kapital
Fizbin, Henri Personal Name
FJCP (Portugal): Federação da Juventude Comunista Portuguesa (1929-) Corporate Name
FJEI (Iran): Ferqeh-yi Jomhouri-yi Enquelâbi-yi Iran (Revolutionary Republican Party of Iran, 1924) Corporate Name
FKI (Iran): Ferqeh-yi Komonist-1 Iran Corporate Name
FKPD (Germany): Freie Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands Corporate Name
Flach, W. Personal Name
Flameling, Joop Personal Name
Flandin, Pierre-Étienne Personal Name
Flavius Clemens of Alexandria, Titus Personal Name
flax, linen Topical Term
Flechtheim, Ossip K. Personal Name
Fleckles, Ferdinand Personal Name
fleet Topical Term
Flemish Movement Topical Term
Flins Geographic Name
FLN (Algeria): Front de libération nationale Corporate Name
FLO (Germany): Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International Corporate Name
FLO-Cert GmbH (Germany) Corporate Name
Florence, Raymond Personal Name
Flores Magón, Ricardo
Flores, Judith Personal Name
Florida Geographic Name
Florin, Wilhelm Personal Name
flowers Topical Term
Flürscheim, Michael Personal Name
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley Personal Name
FMLN (El Salvador): Frente Farabundo Martí de Liberación Nacional Corporate Name
FMLN-FDR (El Salvador): Marti de Liberacion Nacional-Frente Democratico Revolucionario Corporate Name
FN (France) Front National (1972-2018) Corporate Name
FNAE (Spain): Federación Nacional de Agricultores Españoles (1913 -) Corporate Name
FNCR (Mexico): Frente Nacional Contra la Represión Corporate Name
FND (Philippines): Frente nacional democratico Corporate Name
FNLA (Angola): Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola Corporate Name
FNV (Netherlands): Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging Corporate Name
FO (France): Force ouvrière Corporate Name
FOC (Spain, Catalonia): Front Obrer de Catalunya Corporate Name
Foch, F. Personal Name