Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  F 
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Name Subject Type
Farrell, Edelmiro Juan Personal Name
Farrell, James T.
Fasanella, Ralph Personal Name
fashion Topical Term
Fast, Howard Personal Name
fat and vegetable oil Topical Term
Fataḥ (فتح‎) (Palestine): حركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني (Palestinian National Liberation Movement) Corporate Name
fatherhood Topical Term
Faucher, Julius Personal Name
FAUD (Germany): Freie Arbeite-Union Deutschlands (1919 - 1933) Corporate Name
Faure, Edgar Personal Name
Faure, Paul Personal Name
Fauset, Jessie Redmon Personal Name
Favre, Claude-Gabriel-Jules (Jules) Personal Name
Favre, Luis Personal Name
Fayol, Henri Personal Name
FAZ (Germany) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (1949) Corporate Name
FBI (USA): Federal Bureau of Investigation Corporate Name
FCCB (Spain): Federació Comunista Catalano-Balear (Catalan Federation) Corporate Name
FCL (France): Fédération Communiste Libertaire (1953 - 1957) Corporate Name
FDGB (DDR): Freie Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund Corporate Name
FDJ (Germany): Freie Deutsche Jugend (1946 -) Corporate Name
FDP (Germany): Freie Demokratische Partei ("Liberalen", 1948) Corporate Name
FDP (Italy): Fronte Democratico Popolare per la libertà, la pace, il lavoro Corporate Name
FEAM (Iran): Ferqueh-yi Ejtema'iyun-Amiyun, Mojahed Corporate Name
Februari Strike (Netherlands, 1941) Topical Term
February Uprising (Austria 1934) Topical Term
Feder, Gottfried Personal Name
federalism Topical Term
Fédération jurassienne Corporate Name
Federation of Transcaucasian Republics Geographic Name
Fédération socialiste révolutionnaire du centre du Parti ouvrier Corporate Name
Federazione comunista di Napoli Corporate Name
Fedin, Constantino Personal Name
Fedorenko Family Name
Fedorov, G. F. Personal Name
Fedoseyev, N. Y. Personal Name
Fehler Family Name
Feldman Personal Name
Felipe, León Personal Name
Felix Meritis Corporate Name
fellow travelers Topical Term
Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo Personal Name
femonationalism Topical Term
Fénelon, François (François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon) Personal Name
Feng Yuxiang Personal Name
fenianism Topical Term