DiSK (Turkey): Türkiye Devrimci İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu |
Corporate Name |
Disney, Walt |
Personal Name |
disobedience |
Topical Term |
Disraeli, Benjamin |
Personal Name |
dissent, dissidents |
Topical Term |
dissertation, doctoral thesis |
Genre/Form of material |
distance |
Topical Term |
distilling |
Topical Term |
distortion |
Topical Term |
distribution |
Topical Term |
Dittmann, Wilhelm |
Personal Name |
diversity |
Topical Term |
division of labour (Arbeitsteilung) |
Topical Term |
division of profit |
Topical Term |
divorce |
Topical Term |
Djibouti (French Territory of Afars and Issas) |
Geographic Name |
Djilas, Milovan (Milovan Đilas) |
Personal Name |
Djohari |
Personal Name |
Djuanda Kartawidjaja |
Personal Name |
DKP (Denmark): Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti (1919 - |
Corporate Name |
DKP (Germany): Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (1968) |
Corporate Name |
DMK (India): Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam |
Corporate Name |
DNA (Norway): Det norske Arbeiderparti (1887 -) |
Corporate Name |
Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Yekaterinoslav) |
Geographic Name |
Dobb, Maurice |
Dobbs, Farrell |
Dobrogeanu-Gherea, Constantin (Solomon Katz) |
Personal Name |
Dobrolyubov, Nikolai Alexandrovich |
Personal Name |
Dobruja |
Geographic Name |
dock worker |
Occupation |
doctors, physicians |
Topical Term |
doctrine |
Topical Term |
documentary |
Topical Term |
documentation |
Genre/Form of material |
documents |
Genre/Form of material |
Dodecanese |
Geographic Name |
Dodoma district |
Geographic Name |
Dogadov, A. I. |
Personal Name |
dogmatism |
Topical Term |
Dolcino |
Personal Name |
Dolfuss, Engelbert |
Personal Name |
Dolle Mina |
Corporate Name |
Dollé, Jean-Paul |
Personal Name |
Dolleman, Andries |
Personal Name |
Dolleman, Willem (W. van Gerderen) |
Personal Name |
Dolores Ibárruri y Gómez, María de los |
Personal Name |
Domanico, Giovanni |
Personal Name |
Domela Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand |
Personal Name |
Domène |
Geographic Name |
domestic |
Topical Term |