Subjects Glossary

Subjects that start with character:  C 
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Name Subject Type
council communism Topical Term
council democracy Topical Term
council republic Topical Term
council, soviet, consejo, Rat, rada, consiglio Topical Term
countryside Topical Term
county, province Topical Term
coup d'état, putsch Topical Term
Coupé, J.-M. Personal Name
Courbet, Jean Désiré Gustave Personal Name
Courcelle-Seneuil Personal Name
court martial Topical Term
court of law Topical Term
Courtade, Pierre Personal Name
Courtois, Stéphane Personal Name
Coventry Geographic Name
covid-19 Topical Term
Covre, Luigi Personal Name
Cowen, Joseph Personal Name
Coyoacan Geographic Name
CP (South Africa): Conservative Party Corporate Name
CPA (Australia): Communist Party of Australia Corporate Name
CPB (Myanmar): Communist Party of Burma Corporate Name
CPC, PCC (Canada) Communist Party of Canada (1921) Corporate Name
CPC: Communst Party of China Corporate Name
CPFI (USA): Corporate Name
CPGB (Britain): Communist Party of Great Britain Corporate Name
CPGH (Britain): Communist Party Historians Group Corporate Name
CPH (Netherlands): Communistische Partij Holland (1918 - 1935) Corporate Name
CPI (India): Communist Party of India Corporate Name
CPI (M) or CPM: Communist Party of India (Marxist) Corporate Name
CPI (M-L) (India): Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Corporate Name
CPK (Cambodia): Communist Party of Kampuchea (Khmer Rouge, Angkar) Corporate Name
CPN (Netherlands): Communistische Partij van Nederland (1935 - 1991) Corporate Name
CPO (USA): Communist Party (Opposition) (1929-1942) Corporate Name
CPP (Iran): Communist Party of Persia (1920 - 21) Corporate Name
CPP (PKP, Philippines); Communist Party of the Philippines (1968 -) Corporate Name
CPSL (Sri Lanka): Communist Party of Sri Lanka (1943) Corporate Name
CPSU (WKP(B), CPR, USSR, Russia): Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1912 - 1989) Corporate Name
CPT (Thailand): Communist Party of Thailand Corporate Name
CPUSA (Opposition): Communist Party off the USA (Opposition) (CPO) (USA, 1932 - 1937) Corporate Name
CPUSA (USA): Communist Party of America (1919 -) Corporate Name
CPV (Vietnam): Communist Party (Workers' Party, Lao Dong Party) of Vietnam (1930) Corporate Name
CPY (Yugoslavia): Communist Party of Yugoslavia (1919 - 1952) Corporate Name
CR (Fance) Communistes révolutionnaires (ca. 1942) Corporate Name
Cracow Geographic Name
craftsmen Topical Term
Craipeau, Yvan (Auger) Personal Name
Crammond, Edgar Personal Name