council communism |
Topical Term |
council democracy |
Topical Term |
council republic |
Topical Term |
council, soviet, consejo, Rat, rada, consiglio |
Topical Term |
counter-insurgency |
counter-revolution |
countryside |
Topical Term |
county, province |
Topical Term |
coup d'état, putsch |
Topical Term |
Coupé, J.-M. |
Personal Name |
Courbet, Jean Désiré Gustave |
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Courcelle-Seneuil |
Personal Name |
court martial |
Topical Term |
court of law |
Topical Term |
Courtade, Pierre |
Personal Name |
Courtois, Stéphane |
Personal Name |
Coventry |
Geographic Name |
covid-19 |
Topical Term |
Covre, Luigi |
Personal Name |
Cowen, Joseph |
Personal Name |
Coyoacan |
Geographic Name |
CP (South Africa): Conservative Party |
Corporate Name |
CPA (Australia): Communist Party of Australia |
Corporate Name |
CPB (Myanmar): Communist Party of Burma |
Corporate Name |
CPC, PCC (Canada) Communist Party of Canada (1921) |
Corporate Name |
CPC: Communst Party of China |
Corporate Name |
Corporate Name |
CPGB (Britain): Communist Party of Great Britain |
Corporate Name |
CPGH (Britain): Communist Party Historians Group |
Corporate Name |
CPH (Netherlands): Communistische Partij Holland (1918 - 1935) |
Corporate Name |
CPI (India): Communist Party of India |
Corporate Name |
CPI (M) or CPM: Communist Party of India (Marxist) |
Corporate Name |
CPI (M-L) (India): Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) |
Corporate Name |
CPK (Cambodia): Communist Party of Kampuchea (Khmer Rouge, Angkar) |
Corporate Name |
CPN (Netherlands): Communistische Partij van Nederland (1935 - 1991) |
Corporate Name |
CPO (USA): Communist Party (Opposition) (1929-1942) |
Corporate Name |
CPP (Iran): Communist Party of Persia (1920 - 21) |
Corporate Name |
CPP (PKP, Philippines); Communist Party of the Philippines (1968 -) |
Corporate Name |
CPSL (Sri Lanka): Communist Party of Sri Lanka (1943) |
Corporate Name |
CPSU (WKP(B), CPR, USSR, Russia): Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1912 - 1989) |
Corporate Name |
CPT (Thailand): Communist Party of Thailand |
Corporate Name |
CPUSA (Opposition): Communist Party off the USA (Opposition) (CPO) (USA, 1932 - 1937) |
Corporate Name |
CPUSA (USA): Communist Party of America (1919 -) |
Corporate Name |
CPV (Vietnam): Communist Party (Workers' Party, Lao Dong Party) of Vietnam (1930) |
Corporate Name |
CPY (Yugoslavia): Communist Party of Yugoslavia (1919 - 1952) |
Corporate Name |
CR (Fance) Communistes révolutionnaires (ca. 1942) |
Corporate Name |
Cracow |
Geographic Name |
craftsmen |
Topical Term |
Craipeau, Yvan (Auger) |
Personal Name |
Crammond, Edgar |
Personal Name |