Engels, Friedrich

Name Variants
Engels, Bedr̆ich; Engesi; Enhel's, F.; En-ko-ssŭ; Engels, Frederick; Ėngelʹs, F. (Fridrikh); Ėngelʹs, Fridrikh; Engels, Federico; Ăngghen, PH.; Engerusu; Ėngelʹs, Fr. (Fridrikh); Eṅkels; Eṅkals; ngels, Bedr̆ich; Engesi; Enhel's, F.; En-ko-ssŭ; Engels, Frederick; Ėngelʹs, F. (Fridrikh); Ėngelʹs, Fridrikh; Engels, Federico; Ăngghen, PH.; Engerusu; Ėngelʹs, Fr. (Fridrikh); Eṅkels; Eṅkals, Pireṭarik; Eṅkels, Pirīṭric; אנגאלס, פ ;אנגלס, פרידריך; انگلس، فردريك; 恩格斯;
1820 - 1895
Creator Type
Biographical/Historical Note

Man of letters, took part in the fifth congress of the IWA (1872) as a delegate of the section of Breslau (Wroclaw), Prussia, and section nr. 6 of New York (USA).

N.B. Some works co-authored by Friedrich Engels may be found under the label MARX.

Book(s) by Engels, Friedrich

Displaying 101 - 200 of 343
Title Date of Publication
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  38: Marx and Engels: 1844 - 51 1982
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  13: Marx and Engels: 1854 - 55 1980
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  7: Marx and Engels: 1848 1977
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  39: Marx and Engels: 1852 - 55 1983
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  14: Marx and Engels: 1855 - 56 1980
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  8: Marx and Engels: 1848 - 49 1977
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  40: Marx and Engels: 1856 - 59 1983
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  2: Frederick Engels: 1838 - 42 1976
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  16: Marx and Engels: 1858 - 60 1980
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  9: Marx and Engels: 1849 1977
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  3: Marx and Engels: 1843 - 1844 1975
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  17: Marx and Engels: 1859 - 60 1981
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  10: Marx and Engels: 1849 - 51 1978
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  4: Marx and Engels: 1844 - 45 1976
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  18: Marx and Engels: 1859 - 60 1982
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  11: Marx and Engels: 1851 - 53 1978
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  5: Marx and Engels: 1845 - 47 1976
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  19: Marx and Engels: 1861 - 64 1984
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Collected Works. Vol  12: Marx and Engels: 1853 - 54 1979
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Selected Works in three volumes. Correspondance 1981
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Selected Works in One Volume 1980
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Selected Works in three volumes. Volume 1 1977
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Selected Works in three volumes. Volume 2 1976
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels- Selected Works in three volumes. Volume 3 1977
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels: Basic Writings on Politics and Philosophy 1969 (1959)
Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels- OEuvres choisies en trois volumes (1) 1970
Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels- OEuvres choisies en deux volumes, Tome I (1955)
Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels- OEuvres choisies en trois volumes (2) 1970
Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels- OEuvres choisies en deux volumes, Tome II (1955)
Karl Marx et Friedrich Engels- OEuvres choisies en trois volumes (3) 1970
Karl Marx og Friedrich Engels- Udvalgte skrifter i to bind, I 1973
Karl Marx og Friedrich Engels- Udvalgte skrifter i to bind, II 1973
Karl Marx und die Gründung der I. Internationale. Dokumente und Materialien 1964
Labour's Turning Point 1880-1900 1974
Late Marx and the Russian Road. Marx and 'the peripheries of capitalism' 1983
Lavoro salariato e capitale 1977 (1849)
Les luttes de classes en France, 1848 - 1850 | Les Journées de juin 1848 1974 (1895)
Lettres sur "Le Capital" 1964
Lineamenti di una critica dell'economia politica 1977
Lohnarbeit und Kapital 1946 (1849)
Los precursores de Marx. Quienes fueron - Qué pensaron 1976-11 (1973-11)
Ludwig Feuerbach et la fin de la philosophie classique allemande 1979
Ludwig Feuerbach et la fin de la philosophie classique allemande 1976
Ludwig Feuerbach et la fin de la philosophie classique allemande 1946
Lutas de classes na Alemanha 2010-11
Mandel- Contrôle ouvrier, conseils ouvriers, autogestion. Anthologie. Tome 1 1970
Manifest van de Communistische Partij 1975 (1848)
Manifeste du Parti Communiste 1966 (1847)
Manifesto do Partido Comunista 1974
Manifiesto Comunista 1974
Marx and Engels: Ecrits militaires. Violence et constitution des Ëtats européens modernes 1970
Marx and Engels on the Population Bomb. Selections from the writings of Marx and Engels dealing with the theories of Thomas Robert Malthus 1971
On Marx's Capital no date
Marx, Engels: Ausgewählte Schriften in zwei Bänden. Band I 1951
Marx - Engels: Ausgewählte Schriften, Band 1 1972
Marx, Engels- Correspondance (1), Tome premier 1835 - 1848 1971
Marx, Engels- Correspondance (3), Tome III 1852 - juin 1853 1972
Marx, Engels- Correspondance (4), Tome IV juillet 1853 - juin 1857 1974
Marx, Engels- Correspondance (5), Tome V juillet 1857 - décembre 1859 1975
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas 19xx
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas, Tomo V 1973
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas. Tomo II 1973
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas, Tomo VI 1978
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas. Tomo III 1981
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas, Tomo VII 1973
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas, Tomo VIII 1973
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas, Tomo I 1973
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas, Tomo II 1973
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas, Tomo IV 1973
Marx, Engels- Obras Escogidas. Tomo I 1981
Marx, Engels et Trotsky sur le parti ouvrier 1976
Marx on Globalisation 2001
Marx hoje 1987
[Marx, Karl] Karl Marx Remembered. Comments At The Time Of His Death 1983
[Marx, Karl] Marx's Concept of Man. 1981 (1961)
Marx et les marxistes 1972 (1965)
Marxism and Art. Essays Classic and Contemporary 1974
Marxism and the Working Farmer 1979
Marxism in Latin America 1978
Marxism, Socialism and Religion 2001
Marxism on the State 1972
Marxism versus Anarchism 2001
El marxismo y Asia 1853-1964 1974
Marxismus und Staat 1974
Marxisten gegen Antisemitismus 1974
Marxists on Literature. An Anthology 1975
O materialismo histórico 1977
MEGA II .02 (b) Apparat 1980
MEGA II .02 (a) Karl Marx Ökonomische Manuskripte und Schriften 1858-1861 1980
MEGA II .04.2 (a) Karl Marx Ökonomische Maniskripte 1863 - 1867 2012
MEGA II .07 (a) Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Exzerpte und Notizen September 1849 - Februar 1851 1983
MEGA II .08 (a) Karl Marx Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. Erster Band. Hamburg 1993 1989
MEGA I  .10 (b) Apparat 1977
MEGA I  .10 (a) Artikel, Entwürfe Juli 1849 bis Juni 1851 1977
MEGA I  .11 (b) Apparat 1985
MEGA I  .11 (a) Artikel, Entwürfe Juli 1851 bis Dezember 1852 1985
MEGA I  .12 (b) Apparat 1984
MEGA I  .12 (a) Artikel, Entwürfe Januar bis Dezember 1853 1984
MEGA I  .13 (b) Apparat 1985
MEGA I  .13 (a) Artikel, Entwürfe Januar bis Dezember 1854 1985