[Marx, Karl] Karl Marx Remembered. Comments At The Time Of His Death

Primary author
Synthesis Publications
Place of Publication
San Francisco
Date of Publication
Number of Pages
III World capitalism, capitalist society and the left movements; socialist movements in general | J Workers´ movement, left movement, socialist movement
- Foner- Preface to the 1973 edition
- Foner- Preface to New Edition Commemorating the One Hunredth Anniversary of Karl Marx's Death
Frederick Engels reports the death of Karl Marx
- Cable Report to the New Yorker Volkszeitung
- Cable to Friedrich Adolph Sorge
- Letter to Wilhelm Liebknecht
- Letter to Eduard Bernstein
- Letter to Johann Philip Becker
- Letter to Friedrich Adolph Sorge
Karl Marx (A biographical sketch)
- Eleanor Marx- Karl Marx (A biographical sketch)
Reaction to the death of Karl Marx in the United States
- New York Sun- A Vigourous and fruitful Thinker
- New Yorker Volkszeitung- He Discovered the Cure for Misery
- Freiheit- The Greatest Thinker of His Century
- Irish World and Industrial Liberator- Karl Marx
- The Carpenter- The Toilers Will Honor His Memory
- Progress- The Workingmen's Best Friend and Greatest Teacher
- Voice of the People- His Name Will Stand in the Temple of Fame
- Daily Advertiser- One of the Most Remarkable Men of Our Time
- Republican- A Man of Activities and Learning
- The American Israelite- The Socialists Have Lost Their Best Man
- Tribune- A Scholar and Thinker
- Arbeiterzeitung- Thinker and Fighter
- Labor Enquirer- His Memory Will Live Long after Kings Are Forgotten
- Daily Alta California- His Life Was Not A Success
- Truth and Haskell- His Spirit Yet LIves
The Cooper Union Memorial Meeting
- Voice of the People- Let Us All Unite In Honoring His Memory
- Voice of the People- Let Every True Friend of Labor Organizations Attend
- Voice of the People, New Yorker Volkszeitung and Freiheit- Mourning for the Teacher
- New Yorker Volkszeitung- Karl Marx LIves
- Martí- He Deserves to be Honored
- Jacoby- Karl Marx Memorial
Reaction to the death of Karl Marx in Europe
- Pall Mall Gazette- His Influence Will Not Die With Him
- The Times- Death of Dr. Karl Marx
- Manchester Guardian- A Really Distinguished Name
- Daily News- Death of Karl Marx
- The Republican- A Severe Blow
- Progress- By His Death the Progress of Humanity is Retarded
- Der Sozialdemokrat und Arbeiterstimme- He Gave Socialism a Scientific Foundation
- Der Sozialdemokrat- In His Work He Erected a Permanent Memorial
- Kölnische Zeitung- An Unselfish and Heroic Liberatort of the Working Class
- Vossische Zeitung- Socialists Have Lost Theit Real Father
- Neue Zeit- He was a Man!
- Neues Wiener Tagblatt- One of the Most Important Contemporaries
- Neue Freie Presse- He Raised the Battlecry of Hatred and Destruction
- Arbeiter Wochen-Chronik- One of the Noblest Men to Walk the Earth
- La Justice- Karl Marx
- Le Citoyen et La Bataille- Defender of the Commune
- La République radicale- His Work Has Produced a Veritable Revolution
- L'Électeur républicain- A Misfortune for Humanity
- Le Prolétaire- Karl Marx
- Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant- A Remarkable Man
- Recht voor Allen- How Rich a Life!
Romania and Spain
- Viitoare, Future Dacia- Not Only a Thinker But Also a Fighter
- La Illustración Española y Americana- One of the Most Eminent Men of the Nineteenth Century
- La Lega Democratica- A Profound Thinker
- Il Sole d'Avvenire- Socialism Has Lost a Great Man
- La Plebe- Discoverer of the Laws of Economic Evolution
- Avanti- A Survey of the Turinese Press on the Death of Marx
- Bravo- A Rare Appreciation for Those Days
- Der Sozialdemokrat- Address of Russian Socialists
- Illiustratsiia- A Remarkable Economic Writer
- Iuridicheskii Vestnik- One of the Greatest Representatives of Modern Economics
- Grazhdanin- His Ideas Have Failed
- Moskovskii Telegraf- As a Scholar He Had Few Equals
- Nedel'naia Khronika Voskhoda- One f the Most Gifted Sons of the Jewish People
Contemporary essays and artcles on Karl Marx
- Douai- The Estate of Karl Marx
- A German socialist- Marx and the Commune
- Schewitsch- Marx and the Russian Socialists
- Domela Nieuwenhuis- Karl Marx: In Meremoriam
- Macalester Loup- Marx and the Dynamite Policy
- Loria- Karl Marx
- Eleanor Marx- Marx's Theory of Value
- Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly- An Earlier Report of the Death of Katl Marx
- World- The Curtain Raised
- Tribune- Karl Marx
- Sun- John Swinton's Travels
- Swinton- What Karl Marx Himself Said About the Translating of "Capital"
Also record #16158
Copy Number
III J   MARX     reg 8540