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Title Author Date of Publication Languages
Why We Are In Prison.   ... Hansen, Joseph 1944 English
Why did Chavismo fail? A balance sheet from the left opposition Rodriguez Porras, Simon 2018 English
Why did the Heavens Not Darken? The'Final Solution' in History Mayer, Arno J. 1990 English
Why Did They 'Confess'? A Study of the Radek-Piatakov Trial Que Faire? Group (USA) 1937 English
Why Half the World Goes Hungry Harris, Nigel 1987 English
Why Khruschov fell Hongqi (China): Red Flag 1964 English
Why Be a Marxist? Mandel, Ernest 1985 English
Why I Mention Women Tristán, Flora (1843) English
Why Nationalism? Löwy, Michael 1993 English
Why We Need a Revolutionary Party German, Lindsey n.d. English
Why We Oppose the SWP's New Line on Castroism Bloom, Steve 1983 English
Why Perón Came to Power. The Background to Peronism in Argentina Barager, Joseph R. 1968 English
"Why do ruling classes fear history?" and Other Questions Kaye, Harvey J. 1996-01 English
Why Socialism? Revolutionary Politics for a New Century Phelps, Christopher 1995 English
Why the Resolution 'Revolution and Counterrevolution in Poland' is a Fundamental Challenge to the Marxist Foundations of the Fourth International April 1984
Why the Soviet Bureaucracy Is not a New Ruling Class | Reply by Sweezy Mandel, Ernest 1979-07/09 English
Why is there no socialism in the Netherlands? De Nederlandse arbeidersklasse in de twintigste eeuw Heerma van Voss, Lex 2002 Dutch;Flemish
Why Is There No Socialism In The United States ? Sombart, Werner 1976 English
Why they invaded Czechoslovakia Mandel, Ernest NA English
Why Viet Nam? Prelude to America's Albatross Patti, Archimedes L.A. 1980 English
Why Watts Exploded. How the ghetto fought back Rossa, Della 1966 English
Why ...? Whither?   ... Silva, Colvin R. de 1975 English
Why Women Need the Equal Rights Amendment Feeley, Dianne M. 1973 English
Why Women Need the Equal Rights Amendment. Revised Edition Feeley, Dianne M. 1976 English
Why We Won't Vote in the Local Government Elections WOSA (South Africa): Workers' Organisation for Socialist Action 1994 English
Why You Should Be a Socialist Strachey, John 1944 English
Why you should vote socialist Foot, Paul 2001 English
Widerspruch in China. Politisch-philosophische Erläuterungen zu Mao Tse-tung Holz, Hans Heinz 1970 German
Wie das Marxsche "Kapital" lesen? Leseanleitung und Kommentar zum Anfang des "Kapital" Heinrich, Michael 2008 German
Wie der Weltkrieg entstand. Dargestellt nach dem Aktenmaterial des Deutschen Auswärtigen Amts Kautský, Karl 1919 German
Wie lese ich "Das Kapital", Einführung in das Hauptwerk von Karl Marx Schellenberg, Walter 1969 German
Wie teuer ist die Freiheit? Schmidt, Lissy 1994-05 German
Wie wird der Nationlsozialismus geschlagen? ... Trotsky, Leon 1971 (1930-1933) German
Wij gingen onze eigen weg.   ... Steen, Bart van der 2011 Dutch;Flemish
Wij moesten door ... Smeets, Henk 2002 Dutch;Flemish
Wild Lilies, Poisonous Weeds. Dissident Voices from People's China Benton, Gregor 1982 English
Wildcat Spain. Encounters with Democracy 1976-78 Autonomia Proletaria (Britain, Portugal) 1979 English
We Will Smash This Prison! Indian Women in Struggle Omvedt, Gail 1980 English
Will You Let Us Live Too? An Account of Unbelievable Atrocities by the Armed Forces in Assam Gauhati Medical College, Relief Team (India) c. 1980 English
Willi Münzenberg. Eine politische Biographie. Gross, Babette 1967 German
William Morris und das kommunistische Ideal Townshend, Charlotte Payne 2014 (1912) German
[Williams, William Appleman] William Appleman Williams. The Tragedy of Empire Buhle, Paul 1995 English
Willy Brandt. Personalbibliographie Grossgart, Ruth 1990 German
Wilson conclut un marché avec l'imperialisme mondial Mandel, Ernest jan. 1965 French
Windows on the Workplace. Computers, Jobs, and the Organization of Office Work in the Late Twentieth 1995
Winpeace--Peace Initiative of Women from Turkey and Greece WWHR: Women for Women's Human Rights c. 1997 English
[Winter, Gordon] Inside Boss. South Africa's Secret Police Winter, Gordon 1981 English
Wir alle sind Nicaragua Ballauf, Helga 1985 German
Wir brauchen die Wahrheit. Geschichtsdiskussion in der Sowjetunion Meyer, Gert 1988 German
Wir gehn nach vorn! Erfahrungsbericht über de Arbeitskämpfe bei Mannesmann Höhne, Gerd 1974 German
Wir Indios. Der Kampf der Indigenas gegen rassistische Unterdrückung und die Zerstörung der Umwelt Blanco, Hugo 2011-10 German
Wir kommen wieder! Eine Geschichter der Revolutionären Sozialisten Österreichs 1934 - 1938 Wisshaupt, Walter 1967 German
"Wir sind es leid, die Ketten zu tragen ...". Antifaschisten im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg Degen, Hans-Jürgen 1979 German
Wir wollen frei und Kurden sein. Brief an die UNESCO Besikçi, İsmail 1987 German
Wirtschaftsunternehmen der Arbeiterbewegung in Westdeutschland Kalex, Günter 1967 German
Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft in der DDR Ludz, Peter Christian 1971 German
Wissenschfafft der Logijk, Erster Teil Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1951 (1812) German
Wissenschfafft der Logijk, Zweiter Teil Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1951 (18112) German
With Europe's Workers against Europe's Bosses in the Fight to End Maastricht Misery Thornett, Alan May 1997 English
With My Heart in My Mouth 1992
With Honor, Courage and Pride. Defense Statements at the Sentencing Hearings of the Five Cuban Patriots Unjustly Condemned by a Miami Federal Court 2002
With Light of Knowledge, a Hundred Years of Education in the Royal Arsenal Co-operative Society, 1877-1977 1981
With My Own Eyes. Israel and the Occupied Territories 1967 - 1973 Langer, Felicia 1975 English
With Trotsky in Exile Heijenoort, Jean van 1978 English
We're With You... Are You With Us? Petr Uhl and the jailed Chartists in Czechoslovakia Uhl, Petr 1979 English
Without Consent. Britain's Abuse of Human Rights in Ireland Troops Out Movement (Britain) 1990 English
Without Fear Or Favor. An Uncompromising Look at the New York Times Salisbury, Harrison E. 1980 English
Witness of War Crimes in Lebanon. Testimony Given to the Nordic Commission. Oslo, October 1982 1983
Witnesses to Permanent Revolution. The Documentary Record Day, Richard B. 2011 English
[Wittig, Monique] Monique Wittig. L'apologie du lesbianisme Robichon, Suzette 11 janvier 2003 French
Wobblies, Pile Butts, and Other Heroes. Laborlore Explorations Green, Archie 1993 English
Wohin geht Frankreich? Trotsky, Leon (1936-06-10) German
[Wohlforth, Tim] The Prophet's Children. Travels on the American Left Wohlforth, Tim 1994 English
[Wolf, Lore] One Life Is Not Enough. A German Woman's Antifascist Fight Wolf, Lore 1982 English
Wolf, Mandel, Moneta: Ernest Mandel 1923 - 1995 Wolf, Winfried 1995-08-24 German
[Wolff, Sam de] Voor het land van belofte. Een terugblik op mijn leven Wolff, Sam de 1978 (1954) Dutch;Flemish
Woman and Labour Schreiner, Olive 1978 English
Woman's Consciousness, Man's World Rowbotham, Sheila 1973 English
Woman, Culture, and Society Rosaldo, Michelle Zimbalist 1974 English
Woman's Estate Mitchell, Juliet 1971 English
Woman's Estate Mitchell, Juliet 1973 English
Woman's Evolution Coontz, Stephanie 1979 English
Woman's Evolution. From matriarchal clan to patriarchal family Reed, Evelyn 1975 English
Woman in Islam Lemu, B. Aisha 1976 English
Woman's Part. An anthology of Short Fiction by and about Irish Women 1890 - 1960 Madden-Simpson, Janet 1984 English
A Woman's Place in the U.S.S.R. Volkova, Tamara c. 1974 English
Woman at Point Zero Saadawi, Nawal El 1993 English
A Woman's Right to Work: The Case for Positive Action. How We Can Fight to End Job Segregation and Inequality at Work 1981
Woman in Sexist Society. Studies in Power and Powerlessness Gornick, Vivian 1971 English
Woman Talk: 2. A Woman's Book of Quotes Brown, Michèle 1985 English
Woman Talk... A Woman's Book of Quotes Brown, Michèle 1984 English
Woman on the Edge of Time Piercy, Marge 1976 English
Woman in the Past, Present and Future Bebel, August 1988 English
Woman Under Socialism.  Studies in the Life of Women Bebel, August 1971 English
A Woman's Work Is Never Done. A History of Housework in the British Isles 1650-1950 Davidson, Caroline 1986 English
Woman-Work. Women and the Party in Revolutionary China Davin, Delia 1979 English
Women, activism and social change Mikula, Maja 2005 English
Women of Africa. Roots of Oppression Cutrufelli, Maria Rosa 1983 English
Women in Africa. Studies in Social and Economic Change Hafkin, Nancy J. 1976 English
Women Against Pit Closures: A Case Study of Women's Learning Experiences During the 1985 Miners' Strike and the Lessons for Adult Educators and Feminists 1989