Creator Type
Book(s) by Torres Restrepo, Camilo
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11
Title | Date of Publication |
Amérique Latine. Solidarité / guérillas | juillet-sep. 1967 |
Marxism in Latin America from 1909 to the Present | 1992 (1980) |
Le marxisme en Amérique latine de 1909 à nos jours. Anthologie | 1980 |
El marxismo en América Latina. ... | 2007 (1980) |
Masses in Latin America | 1970 |
Revolutie: christelijke opdracht | 1969 |
The Coming of the New International. A Revolutionary Anthology | 1971 |
The Legacy of Che Guevara. A Documentary Study | 1977 |
Torres: Ecrits et paroles | 1968 |
Torres: Revolutionary priest. Complete writings | 1971 |
Vom Apostolat zum Partisanenkampf. Artikel und Proklamationen | 1969-08 |