The Coming of the New International. A Revolutionary Anthology

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Date of Publication
Number of Pages
III World capitalism, capitalist society and the left movements; socialist movements in general | J Workers´ movement, left movement, socialist movement | A Collected works
Gerassi: The future is revolution
Lenin: Guerrilla waefare
Mao: Revolution in two stages
Zhu: The revolutionary army
Lin: People's war
Zhou: Imperialists beware
Sen: Timing the revolutionary situation
Hoc Tap: Peace or violence
Le: Revolutionary marxism
Vo: War of liberation
Kim: Juche and revolutionary solidarity
Aidit: Fragments
Aditorop: Our mistake
Soedarso: Lesson for the future
ISO: The other Israel
Fatah: Seven point platform
PFLP: The August platform
DPFLP: We are marxist-leninists
Iraqi Communist Party: Self-criticism
Fanon: Missions, martyrs, movements
Ben Barka: National liberation and African solidarity
FLN: The Tripoli program
Partisans congolais: Notebooks of war
Mandela: I am prepared to die
SACP: National democratic revolution
ANC: Strategy and tactics
Monimambu: In MPLA liberated areas
Cabral: The politics of struggle
Guevara: Cuba - exception or vanguard?
Hart: Our homeland is the Americas
Ojeda: Toward revolutionary power
Bravo and Manuitt Camero: Manifesto of Iracara
Castro: Fight or be silent
PCV: Answer to Fidel
Cardona Fratti: Dogma and revolution
Yon Sosa, Turcios Lima et al.: First declaration of Sierra de las Minas
Marín: The republic of Marquetalia
PCC: Theses on the guerilla movement
Vásquez Castaño: Not one step backward
Torres Restrepo: Three revolutionary messages
Beal: Armed commandos of liberation
MLN: Thirty answers to thirty questions
Peredo: Only the beginning
Hébert: What is to be done in the imperialist heartland?
Celia, Antonio and Guillermo Chicano: Tierra y Libertad
Newton: We are nationalists and internationalists
Williams: Minority revolution
Cleaver: Education and revolution
Newton: Message to the Vietnamese
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