Contre le courant, tome second, 1915 - 1917 📘 book | French Primary author Lénin, Vladímir Publisher Maspéro Place of Publication Paris Date of Publication 1970
D'une égratignure au danger de gangrène (défense du marxisme) 📘 book | French Primary author Trotsky, Leon Publisher Quatrième Internationale Place of Publication Coyoacan Date of Publication 1940-01-24
La lutte antibureaucratique en URSS. Tome 2: la révolution nécessaire 1933-1940 📘 book | French Primary author Trotsky, Leon Publisher UGE Place of Publication Paris Date of Publication 1975
La trahison permanente. Parti communiste et politique russe 📘 book | French Primary author Ceyrat, Maurice Publisher Spartacus Place of Publication Paris Date of Publication 1948-01
Leo Trotzki Schriften 1: Sowjetgesellschaft und stalinistische Diktatur. Band 1.2 (1936 - 1940) 📘 book | German Primary author Trotsky, Leon Publisher Rasch und Röhring Place of Publication Hamburg Date of Publication 1988
Leo Trotzki Schriften 3: Linke Opposition und IV. Internationale. Band 3.2 (1927 - 1928) 📘 book | German Primary author Trotsky, Leon Publisher Rasch und Röhring Place of Publication Hamburg Date of Publication 1997
Trotsky- Oeuvres 10 juin 1936 - juillet 1936 📘 book | French Primary author Trotsky, Leon Publisher Institut Léon Trotski Place of Publication Paris Date of Publication 1981
Writings of Leon Trotsky, 1937-38 📘 book | English Primary author Trotsky, Leon Publisher Pathfinder Press Place of Publication New York Date of Publication 1976 (1970)