Dates 1940 Creator Type Personal Name Identifier Biographical/Historical Note Book(s) by Blackburn, Robin Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 Title Date of Publication Crisis 2.0 November/December 2011 #72 In Defense of October. A Debate on the Russian Revolution 1997 Der Kampf des vietnamesischen Volkes und die Globalstrategie des Imperialismus 1968 Economy and Democracy 1992 Ernest Mandel'in marksizimi 1998 Europe from Below. An East-West Dialogue 1991 Explosion in a Subcontinent. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Ceylon 1975 Ideology in Social Science. Readings in Critical Social Theory 1972 Le marxisme d'Ernest Mandel 1999 Masters of the Universe? NATO's Balkan Crusade 2000 New Left Review #21 Oct. 1963 Partisans novembre, decembre 1972 El pensamiento político de Karl Marx 1980-12 Reclaiming Human Rights May/June 2011 #69 Revolution and Class Struggle. A Reader in Marxist Politics 1977 El socialismo en el umbral del siglo XXI 1991 Strategy For Revolution: Essays on Latin America 1970 Student Power. Problems, Diagnosis, Action 1969 The Cuba Reader. The making of a revolutionary society 1989 The Incompatibles. Trade Union Militancy and the Consensus 1967 The Legacy of Ernest Mandel 1999 The Marxism of Ernest Mandel 1999 The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery. 1776 - 1848 1988